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After the wild night, me and Jungkook were snuggling and cuddling each other.

I woke up a few times when I heard the thunder as it was raining but...this time...something feels a little off...

I feel like someone is watching us.

I slowly remove Jungkook's hand off my waist as I made my way slowly towards the window, totally not making any sound.

I looked outside but no-one was there?

Suddenly I felt a cold Steel metal around my neck...

I looked down to see a guy holding on to my wrist as he slowly puts the knife around my neck.

I didn't do anything...just stood still! I was noticing every single thing this man was doing.

"Did my aunt send you?" That man didn't do anything neither did he spoke. His grib on the knife and my wrist was tight.

I grabbed onto his knife from my other wrist and tried to remove it from my neck but he was too strong so I did the same thing as I did before.

I held tight onto his wrist as I twisted his arm 360° degree. I took the knife from his hand and pointed it over to his neck.

Now he is in my position and I am in his. "How you like that..?" But that man seemed clever. He pulled me by my hand and landed me on the ground.

Author-nim POV

By that sound Jungkook woke up and saw this man upon me. "What are you doing!" Jungkook got up to fight the man.

That man punched Jungkook but Jungkook was also strong so he didnt let any more punches attack him.

Jungkook kicked that man hard so he fell on the ground. He started to punch his hard until he was a complete bleeding mess. "Jungkook...Jungkook stop! You're gonna kill him" Y/n shouted at Jungkook since he was not listening to her.

He finally gave up and called 911. He grabbed the guy by his hair and tied him on a chair in the basement.


Jungkook came up to me and hugged me tightly "are you okay?" I nodded while still hugging him. "Did you're Aunt send him?" He asked pulling away the hug.

"I think so..." I said looking down to the floor.

"Jungkook I have caused so many problems to you. My aunt has caused so many problems to you. I am really sorry." I felt really guilty seeing him all ruined by my aunt and uncle.

"Hey...Its not you're fault" he said cupping my cheek. "It is! It's because I like hanging out with you. It is because you had me as you're bestfriend. It is because I am near you. It hurts to see you think way..."

I was holding my tears back until I felt warm liquid flowing through my cheeks. "Y/n... Don't cry. It isn't you're fault. It never was. Its you're Aunt who is causing all these problems.

"And everything is fine now. That son of a bitch is locked in the basement. Everything is fine. I am fine"

I nodded understanding everything he was saying. "Dont ever leave me. I can't live without you" He said kissing my head then pecking my lips.

"I love you-" Ding Dong!

We both turned around and looked at our bedroom door. "I think it's the police." I nodded as Jungkook walked towards to door and I followed him.

He opened the door and saw three police men. "Hello Mr.Jeon, can I get I know what happened and where is that man."

Jungkook nodded and those 2 police men followed him to the basement. "So miss y/n can you follow me outside and tell me what happened"

I hesitated a little but followed her outside.

Jungkook POV
I took the two police man to the basement and the other police man inspected y/n.

They started to untie the man from the chair and started to tie his hands with chain and tied his mouth with a gag.

After a few mins the police men started to take him to their car after inspecting me a little.

The police men took them to the their car and I stayed in the hall as I shouted y/n's name "y/n....Y/N!" I ran up to our bed off. She was not there.

The kitchen, not there. The bathrooms, not there. Litrelly no where to be found.

I got out of the house to look after her but she was no where near the house.
"Y/N!?!!?" I shouted my lungs out.

??? POV
"Don't worry Jungkook, you won't be able to find her anytime soon."

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