Chapter thirty two

Start from the beginning

So she had began sleeping back home again which both came with relief and frustration, she didn't sleep well without jett's heavy arms slung around her .

She missed the bastard even when she was the one who had put the distance between them again .

It didn't help the growing darkness clouding her mind , the anger bubbling away each time she stumbled down the stairs in the morning to find Sarah cooking breakfast in there kitchen wearing one of her fathers shirts , her messy and a pretty smile on her face .

She had began staying over five out of the seven days of the week . June still hated her , now more so than ever . She hated finding her toothbrush and self care bottles in there bathroom , her clothes on there washing line and her floral towels in there cupboards.

The fridge was filled with bright colours now , Sarah was apparently a health freak . She didn't eat cake or cookies , she turned her nose up at the chocolate bars in June's bag .

She wished that the woman would just disappear , she found herself weirdly missing the way it had just been herself and her father . The house had always been silent and peaceful for Leon was hardly ever there at first .

Now he was always home with his arms around Sarah , her two children often visiting on the weekend too.

She had almost lost her composure when she found a new picture of the four of them hung up on the wall up the stairs . She wasn't in that photograph , she didn't know when they had taken it either , didn't really want to know .

They had all looked so happy together , without her . There was no pictures of June anywhere in the house , she didn't get a place on the wall. She never had .

She felt lonely for the first time in a while . Cora was always spending her time with Lennon now , smitten with her first ever love . June didn't want to be the second choice so she hardly answered her calls anymore .

Jett wouldn't leave her alone , she only answered him when the pit in her chest threatened to reach her mind , when her hands were shaking and her eyes stung with tears . She would breakdown and cry .

He would tell her he loved her , told her to stop being so silly and to come home to him.

He said that she was acting irrationally, that she didn't know what she was doing . That she needed him . Demanded her to stop acting like a child .

She would only the end the call , gritting her teeth as she roughly wiped away her tears . What she hated the most was that he was right .

She did need him , she didn't know what the hell she was doing or what she was currently feeling . All she knew was that it hurt .

To see her father act like a new man with his new perfect little family , excluding her .

She just wanted jett to stop suffocating her . She wanted Cora to notice her again , to stop babbling about her boyfriend in her every conversation they had . Most of all she just wanted her father to love her.

June was starting to realise that her wishes never came true .

And so the numbness set in . She didn't cry anymore , she didn't refuse to answer there calls.

She left Cora ramble away about her love life , she let Jett scold her like she was a naughty child who had ran away . She let her father put more pictures up on the walls .

She let it all happen and slowly those walls began to rise higher and higher , her eyes growing colder each time she saw Sarah's bright white smile .

She wasn't going to let these people hurt her anymore .

June had begun her silent torment of her fathers new woman . Her new dress suddenly went missing , she heard Sarah complain about it to her father one night when they thought she had gone to bed .

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