• Chapter 7 •

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*Inez's POV

We didn't even spoke a word to each other in the entire drive. He didn't even bother to. I was thinking of talking to him but then I remembered he probably doesn't even want to so I kept quiet.

We reached our destination ,it was really huge though I knew Carlo was rich but his mansion was really something else. It was painted in white with two big fountains in the yard.

As we entered inside, I noticed there were alot of people. It was almost like entire Rome gathered up for his party. I remembered Lorenzo told me there were just few close friends. I wonder what his definition of few close friends were.

The inside of the house was also furnished with white marbles And glass. There was a big bouquet of red roses decorated in the tables with scented candles infront of us.
I noticed he was staring at me looking so fucking hot in the all black suit.

I needed a distraction so I shifted my focus on a group of gossiping women who were continuously staring at Lorenzo. One of them almost came up to talk to him but then the other one stopped her.

Carlo and his girlfriend came forward to greet us. Him and Lorenzo shared a hug while I shook my hands with Carlo and his girlfriend.

" Hi , I'm Liza. Nice meeting you.", she introduced herself. She was tall ,fair and looked beautiful in her black dress and blonde hair.

"I'm Inez. Nice meeting you too.", I gave her a smile .

"I've heard a lot about you."

"You did?.", I asked her because I was surprised to hear that . What has she heard about me and from whom. Carlo didn't even knew me very well and I'm sure Lorenzo and her don't talk.

" Yes ,I did. Bro told me all about you.", she replied my question pointing to Lorenzo.

" Bro?", I asked her.
" Yes, he is my brother. Haven't he told that yet?"

What? Liza is his sister? Why didn't he told me that then? Oh , maybe because he doesn't like me . But either way I was really surprised to know that she is his sister and happy too because she was really nice by far.

" Lorenzo.", a woman in her late forties came from behind Liza with a man probably few years older than her.

She was beautiful and had blonde hair just like Liza and the man with her looked like Lorenzo and had a muscular body. I wonder who they were.

She went straight to hug Lorenzo and he hugged her back and didn't even bother to talk to the man.

" Here, meet our mom and dad." , Liza introduced us. God, are we having a family get together or what. What are they doing in Carlo's house anyway.

" Hi, you must be Inez right? I'm Candice, their mom and this is Francesco, their dad.",she told pointing to her husband.
She leaned in to give me a hug while her husband just gave a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs De Luca."

"Oh no honey, please call me Candice. No need to be formal."

"Okay Candice.", I said looking at Lorenzo while the waiter handed us all champagne.

" I didn't know you were coming here mom. I thought you and dad were in Milan.", he finally spoke.

" Yes ,but Liza personally invited us to the party saying it's important so we came immediately. We just came few hours ago and I didn't really had a time to call you."

She had a perfect American accent and so did Liza. If they're Italian and she lives in Milan then how do they have such a good accent. She must've been American too.

" I called Archie and few times but he didn't even respond to it.", Liza told to her family but they looked they looked bothered by it except Francesco.

"Why did you even call that motherfu?", Lorenzo spoke but Candice didn't let him finish that sentence. Who was this Archie guy anyway and why did Lorenzo hated him so much. I don't know why but I got this strange feeling that there many secrets buried in this family.

" Who is Archie?" , I asked Liza out of curiosity.

" No one important.", Lorenzo shouted .

" He's our half brother.",Liza replied slowly but Lorenzo noticed it somehow . He was going to speak but then he was interrupted when Carlo's came infront of us and started to make an announcement.

"Attention everyone, I thank all of you present here for coming to this party tonight. As I told you all that I have a announcement to make so I'm going to let you know without any delay.", he grabbed Liza's hand and said,
" I've known this woman for five years now and she supported me even when I didn't have all this. She supported me when I was just a small restaurant owner and was going through a terrible phase in my life. So ,to return all the love and support she gave me ,I asked this beautiful woman beside me to marry me . And guess what , she said yes." ,he announced taking out ring from his pocket and kneeling infront of her. Everyone in the room was surprised and looked happy.

" I know I've already asked you but will you marry me Liza De Luca?"

" Yes, I will marry you Carlo." Liza jumped in excitement while Carlo put a ring on her finger and then he stood up and wrapped his arms around her and so did she.

Everyone clapped and congratulated the newly engaged couple while Candice and Francesco hugged them. Lorenzo gave a small hug to his baby sister .

"Congratulations Liza.",I said giving her a warm hug and a big smile. She looked so happy and showed me her ring saying how perfectly Carlo knew her that he bought her a ring exactly according to her taste.

The couple then joined the dance floor where music was playing along with few other couples.
A man who was standing next to me approached me. I couldn't understand anything he said because he couldn't speak English and I couldn't understand Italian.

He then waved his hand which helped me to understand that he was actually asking me to dance.

I wasn't really going to dance with him but then I saw Lorenzo standing infront of the bar with whiskey in his hands and I clearly needed a distraction from him. I gave him my hand and he led me to the dance floor.

The song was slow and boring and I had no interest in dancing with this stranger . Everyone else seemed to be enjoying but I was busy watching him and the whole distraction thing didn't work for me again and on the other hand this Italian guy was being way too physical right now .

His hands were on my waist and it was slowly going down on my ass and it was so uncomfortable .I instantly regretted my decision to dance with with at that point . I don't know why did I even agreed to dance with him in the first place (because you're dumb).
I decided to let go of his hands but then someone came to rescue me.
I turned around to see who it was and I was shocked to see a familiar face. It was Lorenzo.

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