• Chapter 4 •

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I felt exhausted even after I slept so I decided to take a shower and order some food. I hadn't eaten anything since the morning. The air hostess offered dinner but I  refused to eat because I wasn't really hungry.

I then took my toiletry bag from my suitcase and then went to take a shower. The water was warm and I felt much relaxed and better now.

I came out and brushed my hair. It was 6:30 already and I needed to get ready fast. I decided to wear light makeup as it was a meeting not a party or something.

I straighten my hair and pushed it backwards to give it a classy look.
I wore a peach colored lipstick with a light brown eyeshadow and decided to wear a white suit which looked perfect for the meeting . I walked out of my suite and noticed Lorenzo standing fixing his tie.

" Hey, you came quite fast I was hoping you'd take more time."
" I do usually, I just got ready fast today so." I giggled.
"You're looking...",he mumbled.
" I what?", I asked him.
"You're looking beautiful today Inez, you always do", as soon as the words came out of his mouth I couldn't help but blush.

The blush I wore might have been looking light and dull because my natural blush was shining in my cheeks.
"Thank you", I told him as we both walked down the hall.
We then entered a large room with a big projector and large desks.

The room was already full of people when we arrived. Lorenzo was building a hotel in Rome so these people were the investors. We sat down and greeted everyone.

The meeting started in 7:30 and we started to discuss the terms and conditions for the investors and made them sign some legal contracts. It was a little difficult for me because they had an Italian accent.

But whenever they pronounced a word differently Lorenzo leaned in to explain me what they meant. He was seated right next to me looking absolutely perfect in a blue suit and white shirt.
The meeting ended after one and a half hour.

And everyone was leaving to eat dinner at the dining hall and I followed them while Lorenzo stayed a few more minutes to discuss something with  an investor.

The dining hall was beautiful and the tables were decorated with white lilies and pink tulips. There were candles in each tables which made the environment of the hall more pleasant and less uncomfortable. I ordered spaghetti and a red wine . I was patiently waiting for him while staring at my food for the last 15 minutes. He finally came to the hall with a bright smile . As soon as he came I felt less uncomfortable .

He sat next to me and ordered his food. We don't talk much but having him at my side was better than the crap that I was listening from the investors for the past 15 minutes convincing me to move to Italy.

MyI mean I liked Italy by far even though I haven't really got to explore it but moving here was a huge thing.

" How's the food", Lorenzo finally asked breaking the silence.
"It's good", I tried to fake my smile as much as possible because that food was really bad and I assume expensive too. What's with this big hotels and their tasteless expensive food anyway?

I couldn't even finished it and then we were given deserts which wasn't so bad.
We said our goodbyes to everyone of them and headed back to our rooms.
" Inez, are you full ?",he asked me.
"Um,what do you mean ?"
" I mean are you satisfied with the food? Because I know you lied down there when I asked you about the food, I knew you didn't like it. I didn't like it either. I think I need to complain about the food to Carlo",he chuckled.

"If I'm being honest then, yes I really didn't like the food at all and I'm still hungry as hell", I laughed out loud and so did he.

" I was gonna order some pizza from my favorite restaurant across the road,do you wanna join?"

  " Yeah,sure. I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed again if I order something from the hotel".

We both went into his room which was way bigger than mine and has a wonderful view of Rome. The city was looking spectacular from his room.

It was almost 10:30 and the lights made the city looked even more beautiful.
I went straight to his balcony to see the view as he followed me behind.
" Did you like the view Inez."

" Yes,I do. The city looks so beautiful from here. I could literally spend whole night watching this."

" Well, if you want then you can spend the night watching it."

" No no, I didn't mean it like that. You must be tired and so am I. I'm to sleep leave tonight."

" As you wish. And you can change your clothes and come here to eat. I'm going to change into something comfortable too."

" Okay, I'll go and change and be right back boss."

I went to my room and washed my face ,put on some black tshirt and white pajamas. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and went to his room.

I didn't bother knocking on the door and went straight to his room. When I went inside I saw him drinking water but he was shirtless.


He was looking so handsome. I saw that his back was filled with tattoos and so was his arms. His chest wasn't visible because he wasn't facing me.

I was already very impressed by his tattoo on his hands and I had a feeling he had many tattoos but this was hell alot. Not that I'm complaining.

As he turned back to me , I was embarrassed as fuck . I almost stumbled trying to hide myself but he saw my anyway. I shamelessly looked at his abs and muscles. He had tattoo on his chest too. Attractive boy.

"Uh,I'm sorry. I should've knocked at the door.", I said nervously.

" It's okay ,it's not a big deal and I would be happy if someone was looking at my body. I didn't do all those exercises in the gym for nothing."he joked.

" Haha very funny." ,I laughed sarcastically.

He then went to his closet and wore a white t-shirt with black trousers. I must admit that this man looks attractive in anything he wears or even when he doesn't.

"Come sit down.", he ordered pointing to the couch and him and I both took a seat.

" The delivery guy should be here any minute, I don't feel like making you wait anymore when you're already so horny_hungry I mean.Sorry", he mumbled  looking at me with full embarrassment. I was literally in shocked . He didn't just said horny did he? Yes he did and I couldn't even say a single word out of my mouth for few seconds.

" It's okay, maybe you mistakenly said that because you are very much horny." ,I practically joked trying to ease the awkward situation or maybe making it more awkward. I could say he was horny just by looking at his expressions. He stared at me for few minutes right into my eyes like he was gonna kiss me any second.

I was also happy that I saw a different and funny side of him today . We've been working the whole week and we only talked about work . I knew he had a great sense of humor but he was also very private and didn't really talked much to everyone in the office. I always feel like there's something else that he's hiding. A different side that no one knows about.

He was still staring at me while my heart was beating faster. I didn't know what to do. A part of me wanted to jump in his lap and kiss him but a part of me hesitated because he was my boss and he probably doesn't even like me that's why he's been ignoring me this whole week except for times when he needed me to work.

My thoughts and his stare was disturbed by a knock at the door. He broke our eye contact and went to open the door.

He came back with a large pizza and two cokes in his hand and sat across me. We both kept quite and ate. He finally began to talk after finishing half of the pizza .

He started talking about work again like everything was okay and we didn't just have a moment. I was so pissed because I felt like he was doing all this deliberately.

Even though I was angry , we continue talking about business and some things about my life which he asked by the way.

He was telling me about how he wanted to build a five star hotel in Rome while I was literally yawning in the sofa. He noticed that I was gonna fall asleep and gave me a little smile  but he kept taking until I finally fell asleep in his couch.

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