• Chapter 3 •

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A week had already gone by and tomorrow was finally the day when Lorenzo and I were going to Italy for the meeting.

I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had never travelled anywhere except few places of USA and now I was going to Italy with my boss who I've known for only one week.

Well, whatever happens when we go there will be for the best. I assure myself and get ready to leave my office at almost 8:00pm when I saw him walking in the hall. I tried to avoid him but he already noticed me.
"Hey ! "
"Hey!,what you're doing here?" I said acting like I didn't saw him first.
"Oh! I was just leaving"
"Yeah ,me too"
" So , you're ready for tomorrow right? We'll be leaving at 9 in the morning"

" Yeah! Sounds good to me , I'll be here before 9", I said giving him a awkward smile.
"No no,you don't have to come here I'll pick you up myself at 8:30 and then we'll leave in my private jet".

"Okay,but what about my address?"
" Don't you think I have my employees's address Inez?" He laughs .

We both came down in the parking lot as we were talking and I went straight to my car when he said," Be ready by 8:30 Inez and don't be late ,we don't want to be late for the meeting , it starts at 7:30pm and we'll reach Italy at 1pm so ."

" Don't worry Lorenzo ,I won't be late and I definitely won't make you late for your meeting " ,I said giving him a warm smile which was definitely not awkward.
We exchanged goodnight and left for home while I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow while driving the car and the whole night.

The other day:
I woke up at 7 in the morning and start packing for my things and then I took a shower. After everything was almost done, I did light makeup and wore a nude color lipstick and a black dress with my new pair of heels that wasn't too big. I packed every necessary things including my 5 sets of brand new lingeries. I wasn't sure why I bought this actually .

In this one week, he has shown no interest in me after the talk we had in the parking lot last week .
The talks we've had this week is completely about the work which is good but also so weird .

I already convinced myself that he might not be actually interested in me and the sexual tension between us was only my imagination . I was thinking about all this while my phone buzzed and his name popped up in the screen.

When I saw the time it was exactly 8:30 ,so I picked up the call and he asked me to come down . I came down carrying my luggage and bags full of shoes and dresses.

" You're never late huh" ,I said jokingly while he faced around to see me . I could see how his faced glowed when he saw me in the dress but I convinced myself it was all my imagination .

" Not when I have to be on a exact time. Shall we go?"
"Yeah, sure let's go."
We both got inside his car and went straight to his jet.
The air hostess in the jet welcomed us with a big smile and handed us a glass of white wine as soon as we entered.

The jet was filled with few air hostess ,the pilots and as usual Lorenzo's guards and him and I. He sat infront of me looking absolutely hot and intimidating.
I tried to listen to music to distract myself and I apparently felt asleep in front of him. After few hours, he woke me up to let me know that we landed.

We landed in Rome at 1:15 and then went straight to the hotel.
We were then greeted by the hotel owner who turned out to be Lorenzo's close friend.
" Welcome buddy" ,he said with an Italian accent as Lorenzo went to hug him .

Lorenzo didn't say much words except for few thank yous.
He gave us keys to our room and apparently my room was right in front of his. Wow. Fucking great.
Lorenzo and I exchanged a small smile before we entered our rooms and he reminded me to take rest, order some food it I want and be on time for the meeting.

I had a lot of time so I decided to take a short nap before the meeting and I was really exhausted and I also had flight sickness so.

The bed was quite comfortable to sleep and the pillows were soft too which made me sleep even faster.
I woke up after 3 hours with a heavy head .

I had a headache from the flight earlier so I took some medicines and slept but it seems like my headache decided to stay and torture me even more that before.

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