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// swearing, some dirty jokes (no smut in this book)

"so as i was saying, y/n..."

philza says as we approach two large doors that was being opened to reveal a what looks like a spare room with all the free space in it. near the opened window that was blowing cold air inside there was old furniture arranged neatly. exactly three chairs were placed, as if someone specifically told a maid to arrange this recently. which was probably what philza did while we were eating.

in the middle of them there was a circular coffee table that had three cups with steam coming out of it, coasters present where each drink stayed. as we stepped closer it looked like the drink inside the cups was hot chocolate, it could not have been coffee, that was my initial thought but then the marshmallows floating on top of the hot liquid says otherwise.

"mate, as i've said you can stay; as long as you need or want. as the king here i don't really mind" phil says as he gestures us to take a seat in front of him, on the opposite side.

"but since im positive you're not always gonna be lurking just inside the palace im afraid someone might see you and all that shit you know?" he sounded so understanding, its like he knows how i actually feel about this.

"i suggest you find some type of mask to wear when you're going out, just to be sure"

"just like what techno does"

silence was observed, the comfortable one even. we took a moment to enjoy the contrast of the cold wind with the warm beverage. looking to my left i see techno taking a sip of his hot chocolate but it seems like he wasn't aware of how heated the drink was. not even finishing the first sip i could tell he burnt his tongue and lips by the way he lunges forward, making me and phil erupt in a fit of giggles.

"you hate all this monarchy shit yeah?" i nod.

"and believe it or not techno hates it more than you so i know where you're coming from" this makes techno let out a low laugh.

"so while you're here i won't force any of the duties you need to fulfil. does that sound good?" i agreed.

silence was heard again, but as i place my half empty cup back to its original coaster i heard technoblade speak.

"so why'd you call me here too dad?"

"oh yeah i almost forgot" i saw phil also place his cup back down and hub the back of his neck, brushing past his blonde hair.

"i was planning on you and y/n to spar or train together, that is if y/n is on board on this"

"hell yeah i wanna try and punch techno for fun!" techno looks at me, worry evident in his eyes.

"i didn't mean to say that-"

"you can't even lay a scratch on me, just watch" he says feeling smug.

"yeah? is that a challenge blade?" i say leaning to my left looking at him, smirking.

"techno now don't get too cocky over there y/n killed several knights in a span of a day" phil states, which was true.

"hm? but so did i" he says while leaning closer to where my face meets his.

"techno here doesn't get contented with sparing with the guards so hopefully y/n can challenge him a bit" phil mutters while standing up.

"well you two have fun, just don't kill eachother!" phil exclaims once he's reached the door we once used as an entrance to exit.

"well, you wanna go spar today or when?" techno asks while stretching his limbs after standing up.

escapism // technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now