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// swearing, violence, blood and gore

"princess what are you doing here this late at night?" axel asked.

"well uhm-" i stuttered. then axel laughs... maybe a little too loud for my liking.

"princess y/n. the king and queen won't be so happy when they find out about this you know?" they said; voice sounding venomous.

they then take a step forward, making me slowly find my sword near my hip. holding it in place, you can never be so sure on when someone might attack.

"don't come closer i swear to god—" they step closer making me groan.


"please y/n just go back to your room, this is your last warning." they said.

do i look like i would give up that easily?

thinking fast i decided on kicking axel with much force, making them stumble back a bit. making this the perfect time for me to open the rusty door and sprint to god knows where.

"HEY- GUARDS!" was the last thing i heard while sprinting towards the nearest forest.

how the hell are they running so fast? maybe i should've stolen a horse from the stables before running, dumbass. but it seems like they're stupid enough to not do that too.

i felt like i've been running for hours now maybe even more, i couldn't tell. my legs were sore from running away from what seems like 5 guards trying not to lose me. maybe there were more? again i couldn't tell.

mother and father has probably heard of this by now huh?

the only option was to fight back.

i've never really killed anyone, so how am i supposed to man up and defend myself in this situation? was it the adrenaline flowing through my body thats possibly going to lead me to my first victim?

i felt something incredibly fast pass beside my head. making my h/c hair slightly move with its force.



i quickly pulled my sword out of its scabbard and started running at the opposite direction; towards them. while doing so i pushed the closest guard away from me using all my body strength while trying to get as many swings, punches and even kicks at them.

their armor was a pain in the ass hitting. it felt like their armor has done more damage to me than themselves, which was kind of embarrassing on their side.

the bows were surprisingly a weak point to them, it having string upfront and only a somewhat weak wooden handle made it easier for me to grip and throw somewhere far from their reach.

these are our royal guards? maybe this was going to be easier— maybe even more fun than i thought. making me grin.

ah, their swords- i forgot.

almost everyone of them took their swords out going into a defensive position circling around me... watching my next move.

breathing heavily, i readjust my hands on my blade to get a better grip on it. looking at my own knuckles it looked like it would bruise soon.

with the time i'm given i quickly glanced at their faces; some bruises on their eyes, mouth and nose. fresh blood dripping from their skin, "i fucking did that..." i muttered only to be heard by myself.

one in particular who i didn't know who— not that it matters or anything, was looking per say weaker than the rest. making it easier for him to target.

quickly i swung my sword towards him, making the weakling's eyes widen out of fear, he pulled out his own weapon to block my attacks. he was already struggling with defending himself from me, not being able to return my attacks.

i spun around grabbing any part of him i can. it made him confused; eyebrows furrowed eyes still frightened. pulling his sword away in the process making him weaponless.

i swiftly pulled the sharp blade of my sword, the moons bright light shining to it, almost blinding to the eye. without thinking i pushed his forward and letting it slice through his throat like it were room temperature butter. his throat gushing out blood that could possibly be the most blood i have ever seen in my existence.

blood got on my sword, clothes, face, everywhere!  it felt like everything was in slow motion. from the guard's last breath, eyes wide knowing he's met his death to my heavy breathing knowing i just killed someone.

the guards now lifeless body made its way to the floor, emitting a loud thud when i carelessly dropped him onto the ground. i had more things to keep an eye on.

i saw more guards try and run to me trying to tackle me to the ground, unfortunately for them i was quicker and landed a few good swings from my sword denting their armor. from the corner of my eye i saw a bow and some arrows not too far away from me, though it would be risky i had to try and hope for the best.

i grabbed the bow with my non-dominant hand and grabbed the three arrows beside it. i've never used a bow, i've seen my father use it a few times and the guards just about 20minutes or more ago.

i took all three arrows and shot them all at the same time towards the guards. i didn't have much time. i couldn't stay there for long. because the more i do the more guards would come, and eventually i would get too outnumbered even if their skills are shit.

two of my arrows hit while the other one miserably was shot to the ground. however the ones that did hit landed on one person, they froze in the spot. it hit directly in his shoulder-blade and the other right below the pulse on his neck; parallel to the first arrow shot.

needing more arrows the closest ones were the ones i shot through the man. sadly for me and him he was still alive, close to his death. he would have to feel the pain of me pulling the arrow out of his neck and shoulder-blade and have no strength to even do anything.

their screams of pain echoed through the trees of the forest, animals possibly hiding from the loud sound.

i took one last glance at the guards trying to help the ones who could still be saved all giving me a death glare which i returned with a smirk, soon enough i see more running from the distance towards us

"and that's my que to leave, i hope you all don't try and follow me. you know what will happen don't you?" i say while getting the tip of my blade and placing it just under the guard; axel's chin, who so conveniently right in front of me holding their stomach in pain, despite the armor. lifting their chin slightly up to make them look at me, for them to know i was targeting my statement to them.

blade threatening to cut through their skin.

"princess y-you do know you're fucked right?" he said fighting coughs.

"oh trust me, i do."



escapism // technoblade x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें