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// swearing, blood

i was tired, running as fast as i can farther away from my home. luckily for me, i can't see any more of the guards from where i'm looking at. but that wont stop me from running.

i could see the sun rise far east, the forest's breeze was chilly, soon to be warm. hearing the chirping of the birds were calming; it sounded like melodies in my ear, the way they all are perfectly sync.

my legs couldn't take it, it was screaming for me to take a break, sit down, rest or even sleep. so i did. i found a somewhat big tree that gives shading so i wouldn't burn from the heat of the sun. as soon as i closed my eyes i immediately fell asleep.

i was slowly awoken by someone talking, i couldn't quite hear it well since i was still groggy from just waking up, after a few seconds i finally heard the voice coming from my left.

"your highness we saw someone sleeping by the tree, covered in blood. we don't know if they're alive or not" my eyes shot open.

i tried to get up and run again. but as soon as i got up my legs gave up on me; they were sore. making me fall forwards.

within seconds i heard fast footsteps coming towards me, i tried to get up again, no avail. i then felt someone roughly grabbing the back of my neck pushing my cheek to the grass below us.

"who are you and what is your purpose here in our land?" says a cold monotonous voice.

"can you get your fucking hands off me and let me go? i will stab the living fuck out of you." i said trying to pry out of the persons grip, only to make him grip harder, making me groan.

"how can someone be so mouthy but not even answer the main question" he said, clearly annoyed.

while doing so i got a glance of his appearance ; pink hair that was tied into a low messy bun, a loose white long sleeved button up with a red cape with white fur along the top part that was loosely hanging on his neck and shoulders, a gold chain keeping it together. black pants some boots and a crown that was slightly off to the side of his head.

his face was well, i couldn't really see it because of the pigmask he was wearing, the only things i could see were his crimson colored eyes and mouth.

"again. who are you and why are you here?" he asked voice stern.

" first im princess y/n from the kingdom of keomore second im not telling you" i said in defeat.

"heh? you don't look like one..." he asked not caring about my second answer.

"thanks for the compliment" i say sarcastically.

maybe i do look like one, maybe i don't. i looked down at myself the amount of blood in my clothes, face, sort of torn shirt, hair all over the place wounds— alright he has a point.

slowly he backs away from me. i then try to stand up for god knows how much times already but unsurprisingly fail and topple back to the ground. but this time instead of hitting the hard ground i felt arms pull me back so i don't fall.

him, goddamnit!

in the moments of silence i tried to fix my posture and regain my balance, i still couldn't do it. after more moments of trying i ended up just putting all my weight towards the man not caring anymore.

"you've got to be kiddin' me" he said, eyes on me.

"so pigmask man whats your name?" i say with much boredom.

escapism // technoblade x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang