"Ahmm, excuse me?" 

Jimin turned so fast, he nearly smacked into the girl who had spoken. She was cute, slightly smaller than Jimin with her nut-brown hair lovingly braided to one side and big, dark-brown eyes. She was blushing, her cheeks a soft pink as she stared at him. 
"I-I'm.. ahm... So-Yeong," she squeaked out, her voice high and trembly, her hands fiddling as she was unable to meet Jimin's eyes. Normally, he would be doing the same as her right about now, but seeing her act so much like he did... he felt none of it, only sympathy. 

"Hi, I'm Jimin," he replied, his voice, for once, steady and clear. 
She looked startled, sucking in a breath and her eyes shot up to his for a second before they quickly lowered again, her blush intensifying. 

"Oh... I know. I-I mean of course I do, how could I not? I- I didn't want to disturb... I just-" her voice failed her and Jimin could see the same embarrassment and hate for her stuttering he often felt. 
He offered her a bright, gentle smile. 
"It's okay, you're not disturbing. Can I do something for you?" 

She glanced up through her eyelashes, her gaze uncertain as she bit her lower lip. She really was cute. 

"I- uh... I really just wanted to tell you that I-I really think you are an amazing dancer. And- I was wondering... now that you- you know- seem more...Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to have c-cofee with me s-someday?"

Coffee? She wanted to have coffee with him? Normally, Jimin would already have half a mental break-down only thinking of meeting some stranger for coffee, but her placidness and nervousness made him think it over. She was probably like him. Maybe she needed someone, just like he had needed Jungkook and the others to open up and get more comfortable. And it was only coffee, right? He already opened his mouth to tell her that he would love to have coffee with her, as Jungkook pushed himself in front of him. 

And his expression... oh boy. 
Was he really going to be an asshole to such a sweet, shy girl? He stared down at her, his expression dark, is eyes slits and his mouth forming a tight line while the girl flinched back half a step. Jimin couldn't believe Jungkook was doing this!

"He's not going for coffee with you, So-Yeong. And you can drop the act. It's not even funny!"

So-Yeong stared at him with a parted mouth, her lips trembling and her eyes filling with tears. Jimin stared at Jungkook like he had no idea who he was. How could be so heartless to an obviously scared-off girl who just wanted to have coffee with him? 

He took a step forward to stop this madness, but Namjoon held him back with a soft pressure on his shoulders. He snapped his head around to the boy, but Namjoon said nothing, only shaking head with a tense expression. 

"I-I don't know w-what you mean?" the girl was saying and Jimin looked back at her. Saw the way she looked so tiny next to Jungkook, so breakable and small. 

"You know exactly what I mean. Now piss off and play with someone else." 

Jimin's mouth gaped open. He'd never heard Jungkook speak like that. Not even to Min-Woo. So cold and heartless. 

The girl shook harder and looked a second away from breaking into tears. 
"I- I just wanted to ask J-Jimin for c-coffee. I didn't mean t-to make any trouble." 

"You always make trouble, So-Yeong." 
Jimin's head snapped around to Jin on the floor, having spoken with a snappy, angry voice. 
And then he looked- truly looked at the other's faces and found all of them stare at the small girl with the same cold, angry eyes. 

Jimin was confused, looking back at her. 
She still stood there trembling, her cheeks red and Jimin felt pity for her, even as his irritation grew. How could they be so mean to her? But then again, Jin had sounded like he knew her. Did something happen between them? But this girl didn't seem the type to start trouble or even feel brave enough to talk to them. 

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