xx Justin xx

"Can I confess something?" y/n whispered to me, her back pressed
 up against my chest.

We had snuck away from the others, since it was our last night
together, before we had to head back to y/n's house where we
would say all our goodbyes for... well... I don't know how long.

Y/n hadn't really figured out what we were gonna do after I left.
I want to make the whole long distance thing work, but I'm not
so sure y/n would be on board with this idea.

"Of course babe," I replied, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.

"You were my first kiss," y/n breathed, her voice so quiet, if I
hadn't been this close to her, I wouldn't have heard it.

I let out a small gasp, although I didn't mean to. I didn't want
her to feel embarrassed. It didn't matter how old she was, I'm
just glad she isn't someone who was easy to get for anyone.

"You can make fun, its okay," she chuckled, tilting her head back
to look at me. 

"No, that's not it," I shook my head. "I was just- how has someone
as beautiful as you never been kissed before?

An adorable blush took over y/n's features.

"I go to school with a lot of jerks."

"No one's mean to you, right?" I tensed at the
thought of some random guy being rude to her.

"Not directly."

"What about indirectly?" 

"Maybe," y/n shrugged. "Its just.. guy stuff. You
wouldn't understand."

"I'm a guy," I raised an eyebrow.

"That's exactly why you won't
understand," She chuckled and I pouted.

"Its not guy stuff to be mean to a girl I-"

Y/n quickly turned around and pressed her lips on mine
while our bodies moved together in sync.

"Don't worry about me, Jay," y/n chuckled again.

"Jay?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I heard Jaden call you that its cute," Y/n said,
smiling adorably.

"If you say so," I sighed.

"Who was your first kiss?" She asked again, turning her
body around so she was facing me.

"Uh..." I'd be lying if I said I was comfortable talking
to my girlfriend about kissing some other girl.

"Are you sure you want to talk about that? I mean-"

"No, I wanna know," Y/n's eyes were brighter than before.

"Okay okay," I sighed. "My first ki- Wait are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" Y/n giggled, reaching her hand up to pinch my cheeks. "Continue."

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