Conversation between Khaled and y/n:

Khaled: I'm so sorry y/n I didn't know it was this bad

Y/N: its okay it isn't your fault

Khaled: i know but idk I just get this feeling to protect u

Y/N: aw that's so sweet thanks x

Khaled: do u miss him?

Y/N: I'll be honest w/ you Khaled

Y/N: I do miss him

Y/N: a lot

Khaled: do u think you'll forgive him?

Y/N: I... don't know

Y/N: not anytime soon I don't think so but rlly idk

Khaled: mmh understandable

Conversation between Chance and Justin:

Justin: dude

Justin: how bad did I mess up?

Chance: ..??

Justin: with y/n

Chance: oh u messed up realll bad

Justin: would u forgive me?

Chance: ..??

Justin: if u was y/n would u forgive me?

Chance: oh no chance (pun not intended)

Justin: can u ask her?

Chance: ask her what

Justin: if she ever wants to come back to me?

Chance: you owe me one jb

Conversation between Chance and y/n:

Chance: heyyy y/n!!

Y/N: no

Chance: what?

Y/N: i won't come back to him

Chance: and u got that only from "heyyy y/n"?

Y/N: is that not what u were gonna ask me

Chance: well yeah... 

Chance: would u consider it at least?

Y/N: i rlly don't know

Conversation between Chance and Justin:

Chance: she said she doesn't know

Chance: [sent an image]

Justin: awesome thanks

Chance: awesome?

Justin: yeah now i know i have at least 0.1% chance of getting her back

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