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"Uh what do you mean you're leaving?" y/n scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion, her
eyes on Alan.

They were sitting in the living room couch, y/n pressed against Justin's side, his arms draped around her shoulder.

"What you heard," Alan replied. "I'm gonna show the boys around while you two... Catch up? I don't know, but what I do know is we're leaving. Claire's with us so you'll have plenty
'together' time."

"What if-" y/n was cut off by a bark coming from outside. Alan raised a finger, then rushed to open the door. Alan picked the dog up in his arms, smiling as the dog licked his face.

"I forgot to let her in."

"Is that Drew?!" Justin jumped up and took the puppy from Alan. 

"Yep, it is," Alan smiled then returned his attention back to y/n. "You were saying?"

"What if mom comes home early or something?" y/n finished what she was meaning to
ask earlier.

"Tell her this is Justin and he came by to visit? What's the big deal?" Alan raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think she'll be-"

"Don't worry y/n, Claire already talked to her," He put y/n at ease. "She's fine with it as long as you two sleep in separate bedrooms."

"Aw man," Justin joked, putting Drew down.

"Watch it pal," Alan hit the back of his head playfully. "We'll leave now, see you two later."

"Bring back lots of food!!" Y/n called out as Alan, Claire, Khaled, and Chance left the house.

Justin and y/n heard car doors slam and then of it driving away.

"We're all alone," Justin sighed, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dang I had no idea," y/n played along. "What do u wanna do?"

"You tell me."

"I was thinking..." y/n began.

"Yeah?" Justin couldn't wait to hear it.

"Let's bake a cake!!" y/n squealed, running away from him and into the kitchen.

Justin frowned, following y/n slowly, dragging his feet behind him. He wasn't exactly the best baker... or cook.

"Yay! Just what I was thinking," He said sarcastically. 

"Mhm I'm sure you were," y/n laughed, taking out all the ingredients they would need to bake a chocolate cake.

"ugh y/n you're supposed to be loving me and enjoying my company," Justin rolled his eyes.

"I am!" y/n smiled, throwing her hands up in the air. Her smile slowly faded, and Justin tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"We haven't officially gotten back together, have we?" Y/n said, dropping the whisk she had just picked up on the kitchen counter.

"Are you serious?" Justin questioned with a sigh.

"Yes," y/n nodded, stepping closer to her 'boyfriend', until she was standing right in front
of him. "You never asked."

"Fine," Justin cleared his throat and y/n giggled.

He got down on one knee while y/n covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"Y/n... I am madly deeply in love with you and nothing would make me happier than-"

"Justin I'm too young to get married!!"

"Do you see a damn ring?!" Justin rolled his eyes.

"No," y/n giggled.

"Exactly... I'm being romantic, not proposing! Now can we get this over with? I really don't want my jeans to get worn out from rubbing against the floor too long!"

"Okay go on," y/n found it difficult to hold back her laughter, but did anyway.

"Will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" 

"Hmm... Will I...?" y/n put a finger on her chin, pretending to go into deep thought.

Justin looked anxious, even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes, of course!" y/n pulled him up and pressed her lips against his in a short kiss, before pulling away from him. "That was a lot better than the first time we became official."

"The first time was odd," Justin agreed.

"Now let's do this thing," y/n set a bowl down on the island.

"Oh boy..."

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