"y/n I'm home!" A voice called from downstairs. Justin shook y/n gently, since she had fallen asleep halfway through The Fault In Our Stars, which Justin was thankful for because it meant he didn't have to suffer through the tragic ending. "y/n?"

"y/n i think someone's here," Justin whispered, pushing y/n's hair away from her eyes.

y/n groaned, opening one eye and giving Justin a sleepy smile. "hmm."

"Someone's here," He repeated, smiling back.

"y/n? honey?" the voice called again, making y/n shoot out of bed.

"its mum," y/n urged Justin off the bed. "Come on, she can't find you like this. Go sit there," y/n said pointing to her desk chair and giving Justin a slight shove.

"y/n?" her mum pushed open the bedroom door. "are u in here?"

"uh yeah," y/n ran her fingers through her hair and over her face, not wanting to look
like she'd been sleeping.

"oh hey why didn't you-" y/n's mum stopped abruptly, her eyes landing on Justin. "Is this...?"

"Justin," y/n finished for her. "This is Justin."

y/n's mum smiled and walked to him. Justin extended his hand for a handshake. "No," she smiled, swatting his hand away slightly and pulled Justin into a tight hug. "I'm Erica, so nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you to," Justin smiled.

"What were you two up to?" She questioned, pulling away from Justin.

"Just watching a movie," y/n shrugged, pointing to the TV.

"Good good," Erica smiled at the two. "y/n, if you don't mind, can I borrow Justin for a bit?"

"um no why?" y/n and Justin exchanged confused looks.

"We need to... We need to have a small talk."


Erica lead Justin to the dining area and gestured for him to take a seat. 

He took a seat across her, running his hand through his hair in a nervous manner.

He cleared his throat, "Uh ma'am what did you want to talk about?"

"Please, its Erica." She said with a warm smile.

"Right um..."

"y/n," Erica responded to his earlier question. "Its nothing bad, Justin, I promise."

"Okay," Justin nodded. "Go on then."

"When I first heard about this... relationship you both had and have, I was quite skeptic. I didn't want my daughter talking to a complete stranger... Then there was this whole celebrity thing. I didn't want my daughter involved with a celebrity. Especially not someone like you. I mean I googled you and apparently you've got a history of treating girls in a very rude way. And then there was that quote where you r^pe happens for a reason."

Justin remained quite, listening intently to her words. He knew about all the haters who spread those ugly rumors about him being rude to several girls and the incomplete quote but yet, he remained silent. He didn't want to interrupt her.

"But then... but then Claire and Alan told me about you two. They told me how greatly you treated her, how you looked at her. I did a little more research and found out all of that what I had read was all false and the quote was an incomplete one. I was relieved then."

A smile made its way to Justin's lips.

"Claire told me how heartbroken you were when you two stopped talking for a while and how you came up with this whole plan to come visit her," A tear rolled down Erica's cheek but she was quick to wipe it away. "And Justin, I'm so, so glad you decided to stick by my girl. I'm so glad you came into her life and became a source of happiness for her, something I couldn't do when she was younger."

"y/n's father walked out on us when she was just three and y/n was too young to know the word "divorce" then so it was all very confusing for her back then. She missed him I know she did. She was forced to grow up fast, to mature fast. To take care of herself." Erica paused. "And I sucked as a parent. As a mother. I wasn't there when she needed me and now she's pushed me away."

"I focused only on my work, but understand when I tell you that I was working so hard to maintain my children. I was suddenly a single mother to three and it all became super difficult. I had no one to help me. It was only me and me alone," Justin understood her pain more than anyone in the world. He's been through a similar past. His dad walking away not long after his birth, his mom being a single teenage mother who had to handle expenses, finances, school, work, everything. 

"I neglected my kids especially y/n because she was the youngest and
 needed most care, something I deeply regret now." Erica went on.

"Why are you telling me this?" Justin whispered softly.

"Because," she smiled through the tears that were running down both her cheeks. "I know you've been through the similar past," She paused again, wiping away the tears. Justin immediately knew she'd read a lot about him. All of this was all over the internet. And he hated it. Every detail about him was on the internet... Like his house was always made of glass.

"And..." Erica started again. "You make her happy. I haven't seen y/n this happy in a
long time. I just want to make sure you'll never... Under any circumstances...
break her heart."

"No no of course not!" Justin was quick to reply. "I love her I really do."

"I thought so," Erica chuckled, standing up and pulling Justin into a tight, warm hug. It felt like a mother hugging her son. Something he hadn't felt in a while.

"I'm afraid of her breaking my heart," He confessed in a whisper.

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