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Sa-rang and Hyunjin lay sleeping peacefully in the third bedroom of the night, both too exhausted to make it any further in their plan. He pulls her naked body closer to his and slides his hands over her stomach as he cuddles behind her. He's overcome with an urge, nature calling, and he lifts his head up, to see what room they are in, remembering that this room doesn't have a bathroom in it.  He sits up, slowly, gently, to not disturb her and he looks back to see that she rolls over onto the bed, sleeping soundly still. He stands up, looking around and sees no clothing, assuming it must still be in the first bedroom they visited a few hours earlier.

He moves through the doorway, leaving it open, as he steps into the hall, and begins to pad quietly down towards the first bedroom they were in, the previous day, the pink room, where they had enjoyed the rain shower together. He turns on his heel and looks at the closed doors in front of him, unsure which one it was. He looks between them and they look the same, so he turns the handle of the door knob of one room close to him, and pushes it open. The room is dark, but there is a slash of light coming from another room. These walls are dark, it's not the same room, but, he pops his head in to look toward the light, seeing the edge of a bathroom counter and sink behind the open door.

He smiles, eager to relieve himself and he walks into the bathroom to use it.  When he's done, he turns to a robe he sees hanging on the back of the door, it's large, and looks soft. He runs his fingers over the fabric and it feels so fluffy, that he pulls it down and wraps it over his shoulders. It feels very warm against his skin. He smiles at himself in the mirror as he adjusts the robe and ties it closed. He sees a pair of slippers next to the door, they're large, very large, but they also look soft and comfortable and he slips his feet inside them, feeling the pillowy cushion under the slide. He straightens his hair and he opens the door to the bathroom, letting the light spill out from the doorway across the floor to guide his path.

He leaves the light on, and he steps across the carpet, looking around at the grand furnishings in the space, and he becomes aware of a large picture, hanging above the bed. He stops and looks at it curiously. In the near dark, it appears to be a portrait, a painting maybe, of a man, a very tall man, a large man. He looks down at his oversized slippers and he wonders for a moment if the man in the picture is the man who lives in this house.  He tilts his head to the side, thinking, trying to see the man better. He walks over to the nightstand beside the bed, right at the base of the picture and he flips on the switch for the lamp on top of it.

As the room illuminates he squints his eyes hard against the bright light. He blinks several times until his eyes adjust to the light in the room and he looks up at the picture. It's a painting, of a tall man, in a dark suit. It's not an antique or a classic piece of art, it's a portrait, a modern portrait of a man, the man who owns this house. Hyunjin gasps as he recognizes him, his hand covering his mouth to stop a shriek from escaping as he stares at the face of Kim Gyu-soo billionaire businessman, and new CEO of JYP Entertainment, his boss. His boss! He stands dumbfounded, amazed and frozen in place as he stares at this painting. He's in his Boss's house! He's been living it up in his Boss's house for days! The shock is enough to make him feel dizzy and he drops to the bed, staring at the floor, his mouth open. He looks down at his feet, inside these large slippers and realizes he's wearing his slippers. He turns his head and looks back up at the painting, feeling a little sick, a little unsure.

He hears the door creak and he turns his head quickly and sees her standing in the doorway in the shadows, she has on his shirt, open, and she pulls it to cover herself awkwardly as she bites her lip. She looks down, avoiding his gaze. He rises up quickly, to search for answers.

"Sa-rang?!" he says, shaking his head, unsure how to proceed. He wants her to speak, he wants her to explain this, but what explanation is there. What can he expect her to say to explain why he is in his Boss's house, why she is in his Boss's house. "Please, just tell me now. Tell me what's going on," he pleads stepping closer to her. She looks past him up to the painting and drops her eyes again as if she is ashamed. He grabs her hands and looks at her. "You know who that is. You know that's the head of my company," he says. She doesn't look at him. "Please, it's our last night, please tell me what's going on." He drops down in front of her on his knees, he wraps his arms around her waist and buries his face into her stomach, opening his shirt front and kissing her bare skin. She runs her hands through his hair as she stares down at him, tears coming to her eyes. She tries to stifle the tear before it falls to her cheek. She reaches her hand up from within his large button down shirt sleeve and she wipes it away. He looks up at her, his chin resting on her stomach.

"We need to talk. I'm sorry Hyunjin." She runs her fingers through his hair and he feels like she's in complete control, despite her tears.  He nods.

"But maybe we should get dressed. It's a little strange to see you wearing my father's robe."

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