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Hyunjin wakes a few hours later, and the room is almost dark as the sun is setting. He doesn't remember falling asleep, but he feels her warm skin pressed close to his and it feels comforting to be next to her and to remember. He sits up, looking around at the room, and he sees the sky outside the room is pink and orange. He touches her arm.

"Sasha," he whispers. She doesn't respond. He leans close to her ear, smiling as he smells her soft perfume. "Sasha," he calls again. She stirs a little, and opens her eyes, looking up at him quickly, surprised. For a moment she looks embarrassed. He smiles at her, happy to see her eyes sparkling in the dim light as she looks up at him. "Sasha are you ok?" She seems slightly befuddled and he wonders if she remembers where she is. She blinks hard and then she smiles at him, her warmth returning.

"I don't remember falling asleep," she says, covering her bare breasts with the sheet. "What time is it?" She looks around the room.

"I don't know, but the sun is setting, want to come watch with me?" He stands up, pulling shorts on and he reaches for a shirt. She looks down at her meager swim suit crumpled on the floor beside the bed. He notices and he tosses her a white button down shirt. "Here, you can wear this if you want." She takes the shirt, wrapping it around her shoulders and she scoots to the edge of the bed to pick up her bikini bottoms, slipping into them, and tying them on each side. He grabs his camera.

"Come on, let's go down to the beach, I want to take some pictures." She smiles up at him.

"Oh are you a photographer?" He thinks for a moment before he nods.

"Yes, I am." He smiles. One lie leads to another, but he rationalizes that these are harmless lies and maybe it's ok if she doesn't know who he really is. He isn't sure if he's lying to himself now.

"I am too." She smiles at him and for a moment, they both regard each other, almost wondering if they believe their stories. She stands and makes sure the shirt covers her bikini bottoms. "Maybe I can find my skirt if we go back to the lounge."

"But you look so beautiful in just my shirt." He smiles and raises an eyebrow at her suggestively. He holds open the door for her and she steps past him, brushing her hand across his ab muscles under the open shirt. He flinches at her cool touch.

He follows after her as she walks faster down the path between villas, turning to face him when they reach the first villa they visited that day and she laughs as she notices all the windows and doors are sealed tightly. He shushes her as he stifles his laugh, tiptoeing past the villa. They step down into the sand, warmed from the afternoon sun. He turns and points his camera at her playfully as she follows after him and she holds her hand up to shield her face.

"No pictures of me please," she tells him. He stops and waits for her to come closer.

"But why, you really are beautiful," he tilts his head to the side and puts on his best pout in a mock beg. She smiles at him.

"Ok, but only from the back, I haven't done my hair or make up," she teases. He looks up and notices the sky ablaze with color and light just as the sun is about to dip below the dark water on the horizon.

"Look how incredible the sky is here. I've never seen anything quite like this." He holds up his camera and takes a few shots, making some adjustments as she watches him. She turns to look at the vista spread out in front of them, and she sighs, feeling the warm breeze against her skin. "Pose for me?" he asks, bringing her out of a sort of trance. She looks over at him surprised. He backs up the beach a little. "Just there, turn toward the water, the sky behind you," he instructs.

"But I'll be in silhouette, right?" she asks.

"It's ok, I'll adjust the exposure but it will still look amazing. Just turn like you're looking out to the sea." She poses and he takes several pictures. "You're right, I need to get a lower angle. Can you go down on your knees?" She kneels down on the soft sand, spreading her knees apart to balance herself. "That's beautiful, turn your head a little, to look back at me." He says.

"You're sure I'm in silhouette?" She calls over her shoulder.

"Yes, it's beautiful, the lighting is so soft you almost glow." She smiles at the idea of it and she pulls the white button down off her shoulder as she looks back at him. The shutter clicks several more times. "Your skin is much more beautiful than the shirt," he says taking a few more pictures. She grins to herself and then pulls the shirt off completely, tossing it to the side out of frame. He puts the camera down as she looks up at her, kneeling in the sand, her bottom covered by the fabric of her bikini but her back bare, bronzed skin reflecting the glow of the fiery sky. She lifts her arm up over her head, allowing her dark hair to blow with the breeze to the side and he's too mesmerized to take the picture. She glances back at him, raising an eyebrow and he quickly raises the camera and takes several pictures, trying to steady the camera, trying to keep the focus on her. The sun has dipped below the horizon and the intensity of the colors in the sky magnifies. He continues to take pictures, silently admiring her and their private moment. She closes her eyes, feeling the breeze against her bare skin.

Just in that moment, the sound of a motor can be heard growing louder, and he lowers the camera confused as a speedboat tears through the water close to the shore, very near them. He looks at it curiously just as the boat filled with people seems to erupt in a loud cacophony of cheers as the boat drives past her. She opens her eyes to see the crowd of people cheering at her, as she kneels, topless, on the beach and she shrieks and turns to run toward Hyunjin. He swings the camera aside just as she throws herself into his arms laughing and crying out in embarrassment. He wraps his arms around her, feeling her bare breasts press against his chest and he holds her. He looks up at the boat of tourist, still cheering as they're being driven farther away and he smiles up at them and waves awkwardly. He laughs and looks down at her face, buried in his neck, tickling him.

"I'm so sorry about that!" he says, laughing a little. She pulls her head back and looks up into his eyes.

"I'm going to become known as the exhibitionist of Fiji if I'm not careful."

"I think we better stay put in the room from now on then," he suggests. She smiles at him and nods. He carefully walks her backwards to the spot on the beach where she tossed his shirt and he bends with her in his arms to pick it up, wrapping it around her. She closes the shirt over her and motions for him to follow her back toward the lodge.

"We can pick up our other clothes and go to my room, so I can get some things." He nods as he follows after her back toward the hotel at the end of the beach.

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