Date Night

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Hyunjin is only slight more prepared for the hair raising drive down the mountain and he grips onto the door of the sports car noting that she's far too confident driving it for it to be a hired car. When they reach the safety of the resort parking lot she pulls up into the circular drive to let him out.

"Go on ahead to your villa, I've got to make some arrangements and I'll come by at 7." She smiles up at him. He watches her drive off towards the lot, and he begins to walk around the resort building to follow the path to the villas on the beach. He nods at several staff members as he passes them, unable to hide his smile. He's going on a date. An actual date, and no one can say anything about it. In Korea he wouldn't even be allowed to sit beside a girl an awards show, let alone a restaurant. He couldn't walk down the street next to her, or be seen smiling at her, or have his name even mentioned in connection to her. He reaches his villa and steps in the door to find everything exactly as he left it, untouched except for the maid who has tidied the few scraps of paper that were left behind in his last quick visit to this room.

He wonders if the housekeeper thinks about why no one is ever in this room and it looks as though nothing has changed. He pulls out his camera, and looks at the screen to see the pictures he took of her on the beach at sunset, the curve of her naked breast in silhouette, and the moment the boat of passengers came past, yelling and cheering. He laughs at the memory and runs his fingertip over the screen tracing the line of her body in the image. He checks his phone in the suitcase, still blocking all calls, and he sees the time. He jumps into the shower, to get ready for his date.


It's nearly 7pm when he hears a tapping at his door. He jumps up from his chair by the water and rushes to open the door to her. She grins at him, biting her lip as she looks over his dress pants and white button down. He smiles as he notices that her hair is styled, and is draped softly over her shoulders, and her dress has changed, is much more revealing and it makes him cough a little at the sight of her. Her skin looks so smooth he can't stop himself from reaching out to touch her arm.

"Hello Hyunjin, I'm Sa-rang, it's very nice to meet you," she coos at him softly. He smiles at the game which has started over and then he straightens his expression, trying to look devastatingly handsome.

"Hello Sa-rang, I'm very pleased to meet you," he says as he lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it slowly, just letting his tongue peek out the slightest bit to wet her skin, and send shivers over her body. She flutters her long eyelashes at him.

"I have a reservation at a restaurant I thought you might like, shall we go?" she asks, indicating he should follow after her. He nods and pulls his door closed as he watches the sway of her hips as she walks up the path back toward the resort.

"Do we have to drive there?" he asks, nervously. She turns back to him laughing as she reaches the warm sand.

"We do, but I promise you will be safe.  I'll take it slow tonight." She winks and stops walking, letting him catch up to her and wrap his arms around her. He smiles and bites his lip at the thoughts in his mind. She drapes her arms over his shoulders and he leans down and  kisses her.

She pulls back just as his kiss begins to deepen and she pulls him by the hands back toward the resort. He isn't nervous to be with her, it feels like she has all the answers and takes care of everything. He hasn't actually looked at his phone or opened his wallet once since he got to Fiji, and it isn't just the company taking care of things for him as they usually do, it's her. She is just a giving person. He thinks it might be because she wants for nothing. She seems to have everything she could ever ask for, handed to her, and it might be because she's beautiful, or it could really be because her family has a lot of money, or she may even have an amazing job. A job? His mind freezes as he thinks of it realizing he has no idea what she does. Apart from accidentally accusing her of being a prostitute, they haven't talked about professions. But that's what first dates are for, he thinks.

He gets into the car beside her, feeling excited for the evening and trusting that whatever she has planned he will enjoy it, because he will be with her. He glances over at her as she drives through the countryside behind the resort, it's the opposite direction to the house on the top of the hill and he's never been to this area.

The sky is beginning to glow with fiery colors as the sun dips low on the horizon. The air is warm and the wind blows through his long hair. He closes his eyes and lets the air brush over him, smiling at the feeling, almost an intoxicating rush licking every nerve ending in his body. He sighs thinking what a paradise this is, this weather, this island, this girl.

"We are here Hyunjin," she tells him as the car comes to a stop. He opens his eyes and looks over at her, noticing the beautiful facade of a restaurant. She gets out and hands the keys to a valet, and he steps out as his door is opened by another staff member. He waits as she walks around the car to him and he holds his arm out for her to take hold of, walking beside her into the restaurant.

The doors are opened by two staff members ushering them into a beautifully appointed and entirely empty restaurant. The host greets her by name and leads them toward the back patio where he sees a single table for two set against the gorgeous beach and the setting sun.

The host points to their table and pulls the chair out for her to sit down, placing the napkin across her lap. He studies this curiously and takes his seat across from her. Two menus are placed in front of them but only two items are listed on the menu. He looks up at her, unsure of what's going on but he definitely senses that she's somehow in control of this evening and their date. He smiles at her.

"I suppose this is ladies choice?" He arches his eyebrow at her, handing over all control and she smiles so satisfied it makes parts of him twitch and react instantly. She turns to the waiter who steps up out of the shadows as her head swivels towards him and she whispers something softly to him. A different waiter pours out two drinks from a bottle chilling next to the table, and Hyunjin takes the glass and raises it to her.

"To first dates," he says, toasting her. She smiles back at him and watches him closely as she drinks from the glass. The liquid is fizzy and tickles his nose a little and then he can taste the sweetness on his tongue. He blinks hard, feeling a little kick of the alcohol he's not used to under the flavor. He tries to focus on her, and sets his glass aside. "Why did you want me to bring my camera tonight?" he asks. She nods, finishing her glass and sets it aside.

"It's a surprise for later, but it's worth it. Shall we order dinner?" She motions for the waiter to come back over and she nods at him.

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