Afters (18+)

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(A/N: "afters" is a British term that means dessert)

He feels the intensity of her kiss and he lets himself lay back into the warm sand as her body pushes against his. He wonders if this is the start of a private moment, she didn't want anyone to be able to witness. He smiles as she kisses him, letting his hands slide over her dress, feeling her body underneath the tight fabric across her chest and wishing he could slip his fingers underneath it and touch her bare skin. She rolls over and lays herself down into the sand and he leans up on his elbow to look down at her, reaching his lips down to kiss hers, feeling her almost bite at his bottom lip, her hands running over his body pulling his face closer before she speaks.

"Hyunjin, I want you to kiss me until the sun has set. Don't stop, just kiss me," she says in a breathy, needy voice. He rises above her, nestling his body in between her legs so he can rest his elbows on either side of her head, letting them dig into the sand. He lowers down and begins to kiss her, tasting her. Her tongue presses against his, making every part of his body react to being this close to her. He can taste the sweetness of the wine on her tongue, and smell the scent of her perfume. He really wants to unzip his pants, to free himself from the restraint. He's grown so much from the feeling of being this close to her and the thrill of the feel of her warm tongue against his. He's aware she must be able to feel his excitement pressing against her and he waits for her to decide what comes next.

She reaches down and tugs at the button on his pants, slipping it open, lowering the zipper with one hand and he smiles as he continues to kiss her, realizing what she wants from him. She pushes his trousers down off of his backside, and her hand reaches down to the skirt of her dress, pulling at it. He raises his body a little to help her as she lifts it up, out of the way, and he pulls back from kissing her just long enough to look down at her, naked under the skirt and it makes him swoon at the idea she had been sat across from him all through the car ride, all through dinner, with no panties on. He coughs a little and sways as all the blood rushes from his head. She smiles and reaches up to grab his head, pulling his face back toward hers.

"Keep kissing me, don't stop," she says with a whimper and he feels himself pressed close to the heat at the apex of her thighs. He kisses her, feeling the warmth of her mouth, so full of desire. "Now, it has to be now," she pulls her head back and gasps in his ear. He reaches down, taking hold of himself and sliding over her, amazed at the wet between her legs. He lines himself up at her entrance, and he pauses for just a moment, feeling the kiss, and the seconds before he is joined with her. He lets his body thrust forward, pushing into her, bringing a cry to her lips as she feels him fill her, pushing in deeper. His muscles strain and his body shakes as he thrusts against her, feeling her body rock forward in the sand, seeing her hair, now fanned out around her. He watches her lips as she gasps as he moves deeper inside her. He remembers her words, to keep kissing her. He lowers down to capture her lips and he kisses her, running his tongue over her lips, pushing between them, forcing them to open as he feels her gasp again and again louder each time, with each thrust he makes inside her tight heat.

She raises her knees up to either side of his body, and she wraps her legs around him, almost pulling him in deeper with her feet wrapped tightly around him. He can barely move to slide back, and he struggles as he feels himself pulsing and throbbing inside her. He pants for breath as he tries to keep kissing her. Her hands slide down over his back, gripping him, pulling his body into hers deeper and he wonders at her sudden need for him. She seems to be so instantly ready for him, wanting him, aching for him. Her desire seems to never be quenched. He pulls back and opens his eyes to look down at her, the last purple and orange of the sunset coloring the sand around them, her eyes closed and her mouth crying out as he moves deeper and deeper into her. She releases her hold on his body, letting her legs drop back to the sand beside him and he feels freed, like an animal on a tight leash, suddenly broke free from the chain. He moves faster, and harder into her as she cries out beneath him, her body rocking back and forth with his thrusts.

She is unable to stop the flood of sensation as it overwhelms her, swallowing her whole. She cries out, gripping at his head as he leaves kisses all across her face. He's never heard her cry out so loudly, felt her hold onto him so desperately and it hurdles him over the edge of a cliff, to fall into the deep portal. He falls willingly, letting the sensation overpower him as he cries out and gasps for breath. His head, feeling dizzy, drops onto her shoulder as she lays beneath him, panting. Her hands slide over the back of his neck and it's as if every nerve ending in his body is suddenly overstimulated and almost in pain at the bumps she raises in her path. He shudders, feeling himself drained and empty.

He struggles to slow his breathing, feeling himself still pulsing inside her body and he gathers the strength to lift his head to look up at her. It's almost completely dark but he can see her eyes glistening through tears. He may have never seen her so beautiful and fragile with tears in her eyes and the sight of it, though achingly beautiful, frightens him. He pulls back from her and lays his body down beside her, studying her expression.

"I didn't hurt you did I Sa-rang?" he asks worriedly. She sniffles a little and he runs his hand up to cup her cheek, turning her face to his. His brow furrows as he recognizes more tears. "What's wrong? What's happened?" She closes her eyes tightly, and reaches up to wipe a tear away. He's growing more frightened by the second, she's never let him see this part of her, and he wonders at it. She's always so strong and in control, of everything. He traces his fingertip across her cheek, feeling the wetness from her tears. He leans in and kisses her cheek softly, slowly, hoping to make her feel comforted. "Please tell me, open up to me. I've been so open with you, please just tell me what's wrong," he pleads. She turns her face towards his in the near dark.

"I don't know how to give you up," she says softly, turning her face to bury in his arms.

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