Follow The Moon

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"What is it? What's under there?" he asks as he looks down the lens. Suddenly, something flips out of the sand awkwardly and startles him. He gasps a little and he feels her hand reach over and grab his thigh, reassuring him. He stares at the object trying to make it out. "Is it- is it a turtle?" he asks, still watching it through the lens as more begin to appear around this mound.

"Yes, it's a Green Sea Turtle. This is a protected nesting area for them. They've been hatching for the last few weeks."

"Amazing!" he exclaims as he begins to capture images of the little creature digging his way out of the sand. "There's more, there's more coming!" he says excitedly. He stops taking pictures and sits beside her to watch as little flippers begin to move toward the water, awkwardly maneuvering in the sand. "How do they know where to go?"

"I think they follow the moon," she tells him. He looks over at her, and watches as she gazes at the spectacle. She realizes he's quiet and she turns to him. "It's from a book my mother use to read to me when I was a child. 'Follow the Moon'. The little turtles are looking for mama and they follow the moon as it rises above the water. They move towards it and plunge into the waves and their lives begin anew." She smiles over at him feeling a little embarrassed. He sits in silence regarding her. "I thought about it a lot when they sent me to boarding school. I wanted to be at home and I missed my family. I thought if I could follow the moon I could reach them, eventually."

She looks back at the little turtles making their journey to the sea. He smiles thinking about what she's said and he leans up and brushes her hair behind her ear. He can see the tanned skin of her neck, shimmering in the moonlight and he leans over and kisses a spot just behind her ear. She lets her body sink back against his a little and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation. He holds his lips against her skin, drinking in the scent of her.

"Thank you," he whispers. She turns her head slightly to look at him.

"For what?"

"For sharing something with me, something meaningful, something real," he smiles and wraps his arms around her body. He means what he said, but perhaps he isn't thanking her just for sharing the baby turtles hatching, or the Milky Way or even the sunset, perhaps he's really thanking her for telling him something real, about herself.


They sit in silence, holding each other, watching closely as each small egg opens and a tiny sea turtle breaks free and begins it's awkward movement toward the waves beyond. He runs his hand along her arm, feeling goosebumps raise in the chill of the night air, and he reaches down and unbuttons his shirt, to open it up so he can wrap her body in it. Feeling her pressed against his skin, her hair lightly blowing, tickling him, makes him smile. Everything feels right in the world as he sits here beside her, connected to her. 

It's almost a shame to leave the space but after the last baby has found his way to the water, and the dark forest beyond the beach begins to teem with the sounds of animals rustling, they stand up to make their long journey back to the restaurant, back to the car, and back to civilization. He holds her hand, letting his camera drape around his neck as he walks with her, each silent and reflective; consumed by their own thoughts. He sees the lights of torches lit on the beach come into view and he realizes they are at the restaurant. The lights inside are all off, and there is only one person left, who seems to be waiting for them, to let them through the gate into the parking lot where her loud orange car is waiting. She steps up closer to the car.

"Do you want to drive?" she offers. He smiles at her and shakes his head.

"No, I trust you." He grabs her hand, pulling her back towards him and he kisses her, forcefully, surprising her. He feels a sudden surge of emotion, possibly because he knows they are heading back to the beautiful house on the hill and will be alone, maybe because it's their last full night together, and definitely because he feels more connected to her than ever after she shared something personal with him. She gets into the driver's seat and he climbs in beside her, looking down at the curve of her thigh, remembering there is nothing under the thin fabric of that skirt as he slides his hand onto her leg, and slowly begins to trace his fingers over her skin, just beneath the hem of the skirt. She smiles at him as she pulls out onto the dark road, driving through the forest, driving quickly past the resort shining bright from the darkness, and up the winding road to the house on the hill. 

As she pulls the car to a stop, he leans over and kisses her, letting his hand finally slip up under the skirt and reach to touch her at the apex of her thighs. She gasps a little and pulls her head back. 

"Wait until we get inside," she whispers to him, kissing him back quickly before she pulls away.

"I want to make love to you in every bedroom," he reminds her. She laughs a little. 

"Well, all but one," she says as she gets out of the car and begins walking toward the house. He thinks about what she's said, wondering why 'all but one' and he gets out quickly to follow after her. He catches up to her at the doorway. 

"Why all but one?" he asks as he reaches her just as she opens the door. She steps inside. He watches her for a moment, recognizing she's disconnecting from him again, and it makes him panic a little. He doesn't like not feeling close to her. He thrives off of feeling connected to her, physically and emotionally. When she puts up the wall, he feels cold and alone in the darkness, and he wants desperately to get back into her light.  "Sa-rang, it's OK, we can just make love in six bedrooms if that's what you want," he teases as he tries again to engage her. She turns to him laughing and she motions with her index finger for him to follow after her. As she walks down the darkened hallway, she lifts the dress over her head and lets it drop to the floor. He rushes to catch up to her.

Paradise (18+ Hyunjin SKZ)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang