Seven Seas (Flareon X Vaporeon)

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Captain! Flareon - Rose (Female)

Mermaid! Vaporeon - Shimmer (Female)

(A/N: I know that Vaporeon can live on land normally but just pretend that she doesn't have her back legs- )

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♡ Rose's POV ♡

I watched the waves beside my ship. I loved the sound of the waves lightly swishing against the sides of my ship. It was calming.

" What's the status of everything on the ship? " I asked Apollo, My first mate.
" Everything seems to be in order, Captain! " He answered while saluting me.
" Good! " I chuckled at his playful respect.

Apollo didn't have to salute me since he helped me first become a pirate. He is a nice and playful espeon. Perfect for a first mate while traveling the seven seas. Even though I love being a pirate, It can get boring on some days. He helps keep my spirits up.

But suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts. I spotted a shiny, gorgeous, blue tail slip into the water out of the corner of my dark eyes.

I grabbed the edge of my ship and looked over into the deep light blue water. I scanned the surface of the water for a couple of moments. I shook my head and sighed. Maybe I was just seeing things...

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☆ Shimmer's POV ☆

I spotted a ship. I poked my head above the water near the ship. I noticed the Captain turn her head toward the water. I jumped and dove back into the water.

' I hope she didn't see me.. ' I thought.
My parents always told me to stay away from ships and land pokemon in general. They always said how dangerous they were. But I'm curious...

- Timeskip -

I quietly and sneakily followed th ship until it reached a island. The captain and her crew decided to rest on the island for the night judging by the small tents and campfire that they set up.

I didn't even notice the Captain lock eyes with me and walk closer.

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♡ Rose's POV ♡

I did see something. There was a Vaporeon in the water. We locked eyes. My face grew hot. She was so beautiful. A invisible force brought me closer to her.

The cold, shallow water grabbed my paws as I walked closer. I didn't care.

I paused in front of her. It's like she can't see me. She looked up me, shook her head and jumped. We just stared at each other for a few moments.

" You're so beautiful " I cooed at her.
" I- Um... T-Thank y-you " She stuttered.
I just sighed a admired her.
Her face red, " S-stop looking at me like t-that... " She stated.
I just chuckled at her.

- Timeskip -

I sadly and subtlety waved at her while me and my crew left. She and I are friends now. She also asked me to get these certain flowers that can undo the spell that her parents put on her to keep her safe. She says that if she gets these flowers she can undergo a transformation which gives her, her back legs so she can walk on land again.

Good thing that those flowers are native to the region that I'm heading to.

I hope to return to see her again.

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I hope you enjoy this story, I'll try to make a part 2 soon! :)

Thank you for be patient ♡

Published: May 27, 2021

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