Domestic Life Pt. 1: Parenting Troubles: GN Hange x F Reader

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A/N: This is a request where Hange is a parent and takes care of their kids. In this story, I wrote that reader and Hange adopted Sasha (age 4) and Udo (age 1)...this is the fluff I promised :)) 

You glared at the cars in front of you, bringing your hand down on the horn long and hard. Some people should have their licenses revoked. Now you were stuck in unmoving traffic that would probably take an hour or two before it would move. Great. You glanced at the time anxiously. Hange was probably home with the kids by now and taking care of them. Instead of reassuring you, that made you even anxious. Hange was home alone. With the kids. Something was bound to happen. Usually, either you or a babysitter would look after the children, and Hange occasionally stepped in. But the longest they had babysat alone was two hours and even then, they had managed to cut off Sasha's ponytail, smash a hole in the wall, and fed the kids donuts for dinner. It had been a mess.

You loved Hange, and they were a fantastic parent. They were fun and energetic, always encouraging their kids to follow their passions. And they were a great listener, along with being the "cool parent". In fact, you were sure your kids preferred them over you. But they weren't one of the most responsible people out there. In fact, they were practically a child themselves and always got into silly accidents. By the time you'd get home, six hours would have passed by with Hange taking care of the children.

You prayed everything would be alright.


"Okay, sweetheart, I need you to sit still for this to work, can you do that?" Hange asked gently, leading Sasha to a chair.

"Yeah!" Sasha bobbed her head excitedly. She climbed onto the chair and beamed up at Hange. "We're sciencing now?"

"We'll science in just a minute," Hange promised, gathering Sasha's short hair in their hands. "But first we have to tie your hair back because we don't want it to be messy! You don't want icky things in your hair, right?"

"No!" Sasha wrinkled her nose.

"And what did I tell you about this experiment?" Hange finished tying off her hair, going around to face their daughter.

"Don't tell mommy!" Sasha grinned.

"That's right! We don't tell mommy anything, promise?" Hange pulled out a tiny lab coat that they had made for Sasha. It matched theirs, and they wanted to squeal with happiness every single time she wore it. They had dozens of photos of tiny Sasha in her tiny lab coat and tiny goggles conducting baby experiments.

"Promise!" Sasha jumped up and down. "I get cake if I zip my lips, right Anjee?"

"That's right, my dear!" Hange grinned, grabbing Sasha's chubby hand and leading her towards the kitchen. When Hange and you had adopted Sasha and Udo, you hadn't really decided on which parent would be called what. But Sasha had made your job easier. One day when you had been calling Hange's name, she had repeated after you, saying "Anjee" instead. Hange had found that absolutely adorable and the name stuck. Since then, you were mommy and Hange was "Anjee"

Udo sat at the highchair, banging on the conjoined tray, babbling happily. Hange had given him some baby food and the food had gotten everywhere. On his cheeks, on his onesie, on his hands...Hange frowned. Maybe they should have fed Udo instead of giving him the food...oh well, at least he was having a good time. They grabbed the ingredients they needed for this experiment and bought them to the kitchen island.

"Alrighty, tiny human!" Hange stated, enthusiastic. "Are you ready for this scientific experiment that will help us save the earth?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Sasha squealed, pulling her goggles down. The lens caused her brown eyes to grow even wider and Hange resisted the urge to take another picture. Udo also let out a laugh, clapping his chubby hands. Hange ruffled his hair and grabbed their own goggles and lab coat.

Hange (and AOT) x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora