"Alexander" Jiwoo whispered, with a little smile. "My son"

"What?! Your s-son? You have a son?! Why didn't-... why didn't you tell me?"

"Because he was taken away from me when he was a baby and I couldn't find him" Jiwoo explained, standing up and sitting beside Minji. "It's been 13 years ago and I-... I thought I would never be able to see him again"

"That's... h-heavy" Minji whispered, putting an arm around her shoulder. "But it's good that you're all finding your family again"

"I want you to meet him. He is... the sweetest kid" Jiwoo smiled, leaning against Minji's body. "Lena did an amazing job and Adira explained a few things to her... Lena calls him 'little Phantom' because Adira told them about the clan and about us. She didn't give names but... Alex knew we exist"

"Let's go to them right now then! I can't wait to see my nephew!" Minji cheered.

"He's sleeping, I just left. I sang him to sleep... like I used to do with you, Siyeon" the red and black haired vampire whispered, locking eyes with the blonde woman.

"You had a sweet voice" Siyeon nodded, standing up. "I'm sorry I just... I need to let this sink in..."

As the blonde woman walked upstairs, Yoohyeon stood up as well, pecking both Minji and Jiwoo's forehead.

"I'll keep her company so you can talk about Alex and share everything that happened with him today" she smiled, walking upstairs as well and knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"I-... I'd rather be alone for a moment, Yooh" Siyeon answered in a barely audible whisper, hugging a little selfmade wolf plushie she had hidden under the bed.

"I won't talk if you don't want me to... but please, let me inside" the silver haired girl whispered. The next few moments were moments of silence but Yoohyeon didn't give up and just stayed in front of the door until she heard the floor creaking on the other side. The blonde vampire opened the door with teary eyes and the plushie under her arm.

Yoohyeon smiled a little at the sight and she wrapped an arm around Siyeon's waist.

"Let's go lay down" she whispered, guiding her to the bed and laying down beside her, hugging her close. They stayed like that for a few minutes, in silence, just like the silver haired girl had promised until Siyeon finally spoke.

"I had... I had given up hope" she whispered.

"I know you did... we do that to protect ourselves, right? Hope is beautiful but it can hurt a lot" Yoohyeon whispered. "If you want I can call Bora and I'll quickly pick her up so she can be with you"

"No, she just went to sleep a little earlier and she had a busy day. My love deserves some rest" the blonde lightly shook her head, agreeing with Yoohyeon's statement about hope.

"What is making you sad, Siyeon?" Yoohyeon asked, pulling the older vampire closer.

"I'm really happy she's alive because ever since Felix was confirmed dead I-... I gave up hope but... now I'm also sad, confused and even a bit mad"

"Because she didn't come find you?" The taller girl asked, combing Siyeon's hair.

"She somehow found Jiwoo's son of whom we didn't even know he existed, hell we weren't even sure about Jiwoo but... she didn't manage to find me in all those years? Her own daughter?"

"What if she did manage to find you, Siyeon? But she decided not to let us know. Jiwoo did the same, for years" Yoohyeon reasoned. "There are plenty of reasons for her to stay hidden"

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