29: Y/n Birthdayyy

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Y⃝ /⃝ n⃝

Jungkook: ....alright good job. You should go shower..

Jungkook works the hell outta me with these excerises..

Its been nearly a week..

Y/n: Jungkook I need help...

Jungkook: Alright...

He helped me up and walked me up to our room.

Y/n: ahh...

Jungkook: Whats wrong?

Y/n: I dont know... Its not like the normal shocks my body gives me..

A feet kicked my stomach.

Jungkook: you think they might be fighting?

Y/n: Oh my god... My boys. Your hurting me..

Jungkook: Maybe some cool water will calm them down... Come on. I'll start your bath for you..

Y/n: I got it jungkook..

I squeezed his arm as the pain came back around..

Jungkook: Not a good time to be arguing. Here..

He sat me down and started the water..

Soon its was ready for me.

Y/n: thank you jungkook...

Jungkook: no problem baby..

He kissed my lips and left me to bath..

Next day

Another day of being pregnant..

I was cuddled in jungkook chest sleeping.. Then his phone ring...

Did I forget to mention it was 6 IN THE MORNING!

He answered it..

Jungkook: ....yeah.... Yeah I'm up. I'm on my way now.

He moved his arms. I whined like a child and laid on top of him.

Jungkook: y/n I gotta go..

Y/n: Go where?

Jungkook: I gotta handle something for Zoen.

Y/n: Cant it wait?

Jungkook: not really. Go on and get your sleep.. I'll be back soon ok?

He out me on the bed gently and kissed my head. I hugged a pillow instead and fell back to sleep..

In the morning

Jungkook was gone.. Everyone was g on except the guards.. I went to one.

Y/n: where's jungkook and jay?

?: I'm sorry but thats out my job to say.. Mr. Jeon forbid us to tell you his location...

Y/n:.... Thanks anyways..

?: yes Mrs. Jeon..

I went back up stairs and got dressed in jungkook hoodie and sweatpants.

I was starving and didnt feel like cooking. I know jungkook is gonna be mad if I mess up my diet.. But-

I ate jung food anyways.

I tried calling jungkook. His phone went straight to voicemail. So I didnt stop calling. What could he doing that takes so long!

And why would he take jay?!

I went up stairs and took a nap.

Later that afternoon

A⃝ u⃝ t⃝ h⃝ o⃝ r⃝

Y/n heard Jae-Jay's laugh. She ran down the stairs. Jungkook was there.

Jungkook: Slow do-

She slapped him..

Y/n: Where the hell were you all day?! You had me here all alone and clueless!! I was worried sick about you and jay-

He kissed her..

Y/n: S-stop... Stop.

She soon gave in. He pulled away..

Jungkook: I'm sorry. Happy Birthday Baby girl.

Jay: Happy Birthday mommy!

He gave her flowers.

Jay pulled on her pants. She turned and bent down to his level. He gave her a card.

Jay: Me and daddy picked it out just for you mommy..

Y/n: Thank you jay..

She kissed his head and picked him up.

She turned to jungkook.

Y/n: I'm sorry... But you could've returned one of my calls so I knew you was ok.

Jungkook: ...it would've ruined our surprise..

Y/n: What surprise?

Jungkook: this..

She smiled brightly

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She smiled brightly..

Y/n: its beautiful...

Jungkook: jay picked it out..

Jay: I wanted it bootiful like mommy!

Y/n: Jay! Thats so sweet! I'll always wear it.

Jungkook: And we have anothr surprise.. We're making dinner for you and the twins..

Y/n: Jungkook...

Jungkook: No arguing.. Go sit down and relax in...my clothes and let us take care of everything...

Jay: mommy I gotta help daddy. Put me don...

Y/n: What happened to my baby?

Jay: I'm not baby. I a man!

Y/n: what did you do my baby?!

Jungkook: .....You heard him.. He isnt a baby..

She put him down.. He pushed her up the stairs.

Later that night

Y/n laid on jungkook while he carressed her stomach. Jay was sleeping next to Y/n peacefully.

Jungkook: ...Their kicking.. I cant tell if its the stomach their kicking or each other..

She laughed lightly.

Y/n: Leave my boys alone...

Jungkook: alright fine... You should get some rest..

Y/n: you too...

He turned out the lights and wrapped his arms around y/n. Y/n arm went around jay...

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