15 | "Rolie Polie Olie"

Start from the beginning

   "Don't flatter me," I remarked, before facing the counter again. Behind me, I felt Sydelle watching as I grabbed my purse from underneath the shelf before shoving my apron inside. "Wounding you is impossible."

   Her brows shot up. "Is it opposite day?" She watched as I turned on the alarm before following me outside. "I'm pretty sure between the both of us, you're made of steel."

   "Maybe I'll be the next superman." I started to smirk. "No, superwoman. I'm a bad ass."

   "Yeah, mega-slut, you are," she chuckled while I began locking up the shop. "And you totally changed the topic. How's your toy?"

   I rolled my eyes and twisted my body, so I could fully face her. "You know what? He's amazing. I love pulling his strings and throwing him on the ground. Repeatedly."

   She threw her head back and laughed. "Kinky."

   "Dirty mind," I tsked, sounding disappointed. But my smile hinted at my obvious amusement. "You still didn't answer my question."

   I started to bring my keys inside my purse as I spun on my heel, checking out my surroundings for reassurance. "Doris invited us two days ago, but it's on Friday, so you have enough time to get an outfit," Sydelle began, standing next to me.

   "Not everyone needs a new outfit every time they leave the house," I told her blankly before landing my focus on the far-left side of the street, close to where a black-labelled restaurant was.

   My gaze faltered on a shadowy figure close to the corner.

   "Shitty far distance eyes," I murmured to myself, narrowing my eyes. "Can you see who that is?" I outwardly pointed to the man, knowing it wasn't Daemon. Mostly because he wasn't wearing a suit, but rather, jeans and a zipped up sweater with the hoodie pulled on. He was wearing sunglasses, too, which made no sense because it looked ready to rain any second now.

   Sydelle slid beside me and cocked her head. "I see blond hair."

   Just as her words faltered, my brows rose as the person began zig-zagging between the people walking on the sidewalk, making his way to us. It wasn't long until he was standing a few feet away, but I only smiled innocently, tilting my head the slightest inch.

   "I told you not to dress like a drug dealer."

   Rolie instantly frowned before lifting his hand up to his hood. Sydelle and I stared as he pushed it away, followed by him laying the glasses on top of his wavy, champagne blond hair.

   "I don't look like a drug dealer," he defended lamely as he stuck out his right foot closer to me. "What should I wear then, huh?"

   I snorted. "Maybe not a black hoodie and shades together? Just a guess, though."

   Instead of replying to my sarcasm, he rolled his eyes before peering over to Sydelle, who was watching us with a small smile. "Hi, Sydelle."

   "Hey, Rolie Polie Olie," she chirped, grinning wider. "You about to steal my cousin?"

   He gave a slight grimace. "Yeah." His gaze travelled back to me before inhaling slowly. "We need to talk."

   Four words. Words that ran ice down my body.

   My eyes widened, and for a moment, I couldn't move or speak, thinking the worst possible thoughts. Sydelle, the master mind reader she was, threw her arm around my shoulder leaned into me.

   "Don't worry," she mumbled close to my ear before going on her toes to kiss my cheek. "Everything will be fine."

   With a shaky breath, I nodded before studying Rolie's features. His lips were still pursed, with the corner of his eyes wrinkling as well. He tried to smile when he noticed I was staring.

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