10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"

Start from the beginning

   I forgot I was talking about a fucking Shadow.

   "Hello?" A voice took me out of my thoughts, and I glanced up, only to see that a guy decided to join in our conversation.

   He was taller than the girls, but just about my height. He had a nice oval face, golden skin, with long lashes that hovered over his light green, round eyes. His nose was pointed and had full lips, with a head full of amber hair.

   And he was staring at me.

   Our eyes met, and he smiled a smile that could make anyone fall on their feet. "Hi," he greeted, nodding his head once while stepping between Delia and Sana in front of me. "I'm Marco."

   My gaze instantly snapped to Delia, who was glowering. She was shooting daggers in his direction, and I already found myself uninterested in him.

   I glanced his way and faked a smile. "And I don't care."

   Sana stifled a laugh and gave me an approving look. I decided to pretend his didn't exist, and cocked my head to the side. "So, Sana, do you go to NYU?"

   She noticed what I was doing and smirked. "I'm not, but Del is. I go to Julliard."

   "No shit!" I gaped before a wide grin grew on my face. "What for?"

   Her cheeks warmed before shrugging nonchalantly. "Flute."

   "She plays like a professional," Delia piped in, joining our conversation. I could tell she enjoyed ignoring Marco—who still didn't leave. "She's played in the Lincoln Centre and Carnegie Hall."

   I could tell how proud Delia was of her friend, and I couldn't help but smile at the both of them sincerely. "That's amazing. I wish I learned how to play, but—"

   "I'm sorry," Marco suddenly interrupted, laughing and shaking his head. But when he stopped and stared at me, he clearly didn't find the situation amusing. "What the hell is going on?"

   Gradually, I lifted my finger and made slow circles that pointed at all of us. "A conversation. Clearly you don't know how this works."

   He didn't find amusement in my jab. Pity.

   "I know what a conversation is. I'm just wondering why you're not having it with me," he declared before a slow smirk grew on his lips. "We don't have to talk, if you want. We can do other things."

   I stared at him blankly before twisting my head to Sana. Her eyes were wide, like she was saying, do you see what I've been dealing with?

   "Definitely an ego problem," I confirmed.

   Sana, and even Delia, chuckled. Marco didn't seem amused as he stepped away from us. "Fuck this. You're clearly gay."

   Ohhh, I wanted to throw my switchblade into his groin.

   But I glanced around. Too many witnesses.

   Instead, I strode forward and grabbed his wrist, stopping him from moving. His eyes snapped to me, wide—as if he was surprised I stopped him.

   I dug my nails into his skin, but kept my chilling smile in place. "Hey, Mario—"


   "—I don't care." I tilted my head to the side. "Besides the fact that I love women, I don't swing that way. Still, I'd rather fuck anyone, girl or boy, if it meant I could avoid sharing a bed with someone who has an ego as frail as his small dick."

   I peeled my hand off him and rotated, my back to him as I stepped back to my spot. I ignored his loosened jaw and waved him off. "You can go now."

   He stomped away, and I turned back to the girls, smiling sheepishly. "I don't think I'm welcome on his boat anymore."

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