6 | "Fuckable Lips"

Start from the beginning

I'd known him and his sister since we were kids, and I owed him a hell of a lot.

He was taller than the average person, with a head full of champagne blond hair that was shorter on the sides. The top of his head wasn't curly or straight, but there were swift waves, especially that hung on his forehead.

His eyes were dark brown, even in the sun, which contrasted from his nearly white hair. Though, his physique was impeccable, with a narrow waist and broad shoulders. His jaw was the sharpest I've seen, and his button nose was to die for. He was team basically no lashes, though.

I bit back a smile when my eyes peered over to his large ears before dropping to his attached earlobes—he'd always hated it, and I teased, although there was nothing wrong with it being attached.

"You don't usually come in the beginning of the month," I accused after settling my gaze on his. "Is there something..."

He shook his head quickly before rushing out, "No, no." My shoulders sagged, but my relief was short-lived when his eyes squinted from wearing a tight smile. "We can talk about that later. What's new with you?"

"You can't change topics like that."

With a playful smile, he shrugged. "Watch me." And with that, he checked over his shoulder, where he left the door wide open.

I frowned when a thought popped up. "How'd you even get in here anyways?"

He didn't answer right away. Instead, he reached out for the door and pushed it closed before twisting in his spot. I watched him with raised brows when our eyes met, but he only stuffed his hands into his jean pockets before ducking his head down.

Since he was wearing a black baseball cap, I reached out and plucked it off his head, this time glaring. "Rolie... I'll start singing the song."

His head shot up. "Don't."

"I will," I smirked and opened my mouth, knowing he'd crack.

He did.

"I made a spare key," he shouted in admission with wide eyes, while I just gaped at him.

It took a few moments to register what he was saying. But when it finally processed, my left foot moved back a step as I crossed my arms, glowering at him. "And how did you manage to do that?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I talked to your aunt last month, who asked Cynthia." My mouth opened to argue, but he rushed out, "It's for your safety!"

"Safety my ass!" I kicked my foot out and attempted to hit his calve, but failed when he jumped back. I didn't attempt to hit him again as I began to rant, narrowing my eyes on him. "You could have asked! Or at least told me you had keys to the shop. What if I was holding a gun? You know I don't look before I shoot sometimes!"

Hearing that, he moved forward and tried to hug me again. "Okay, you got me there. I don't wanna get shot," he said with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry."

I weakly tried to get out of his hold, but I ended up hugging him, nonetheless. I didn't have it in me to hold a grudge when it came to Rolie—I hardly ever saw him now.

With my head laying on his shoulder, I inhaled and took in his faint, but notable sandalwood scent, which was currently overpowered by the stench of gasoline.

I was about to pull away, but Rolie beat me to it when he suddenly moved his hands off my back and onto my shoulders. He began pulling me away, and I furrowed my brows.

When I took three steps back, I continued to frown, even with his hands still on my shoulders. His eyes were travelling all over my expression, and I easily read through his.

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