Aren't broken heroes, just villains?

Mulai dari awal

I'll never get it back,

No matter how much I search for it

I'll never find those Lighting Mcqueen wheelies.

The girl shook her head to get rid of her self-destructive thoughts, being unsuccessful, she shook her head harder, and harder, and harder, until she felt nauseous and stopped doing it.

Now she's just focusing on how nauseous she was feeling. It was currently 2 am, and she was awake for more than a day, her thoughts didn't let her sleep.

The happenings of the day before were boring into her mind, she deeply sighed looking at the turned off TV. She was laying on the sofa, with no pillow, no blaket, just herself, thrown on the sofa.

She closed her eyes for a second, and then, very quietly she heard a small whisper.

"PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST" Well maybe not small, but not loud either "Are you sleeping?" (Y/n) opened one eye, and there, crouched beside her on the sofa was the teal haired boy staring lovely at her figure.

"yessssssss, I am" maybe if she convinced herself, it would come true.

"Ohh, I feel special," The boy smiled at her, leaning his head on his hand "You're dreaming of me" The girl slightly giggled, wait-

"How the fuck did you get in -oh" The boy showed her a key, before grabbing her hand and placing it there.

"You should be more careful on where you put your things" the boy then closed her hand.

"Hey," The girl called the boy's attetion "What is your name?"


"You say that as if it was your real name" the boy looked to the side

"Well, someone important gave it to me"

"Someone important?"

"Yes, she was really something to me"


"Well, she changed. Her memories aren't the same."

"I see...Did you love her?"

"...I still do."

It was a calm night, and you were so peaceful right now.

Did I manage to make the bad thoughts go away?

"What is your name?"

The boy laughed at the girl's question.

"jeez, you're not giving up, are you?"

"I just want to know your real name."

"I don't like my name"

It was given to me by my dad, and I hate him.

"please? I promise to like it."

"fine.... it's...uh.... Zerachiel." a little smile made it's way to her face.

"'s pretty" The boy laughed

"What did you think it was, Joseph?"

"Well, I kinda did" The girl giggled

Falling Again || bnhaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang