''Hahaha! You even consider yourself a child even though you're a full grown adult inside.''

Rosh widened his eyes. How did it know? Is the being capable of seeing memories?

''You..how did you know?!''

''Calm your guts, Rosh. As I said, my capabilities are not limited to imagination, at the first time you walked in my sight, I have known everything about you.''

The boy clenched his fists. A being so powerful, he doubt that he could even be par when the both of them fight with each other. Especially when he doesn't even know all of the things it could do.

''You are a lifeform that ignored all laws that falls unto this world, then your existence itself is the highest among us. How come you have such a power? How were you even created?''

''Such facts are hard to explain, my successor. And even creatures such as I, have things that others are restricted to know. I am a being that even gods could not manage to gather information to. Because my standing is fairly the same as them.''

''What?'' Rosh was quite surprised.

If the being is at the same standing as gods, doesn't that make him one too?

''Me, myself is mysterious to the eyes of the monarchs of this world. I who is one and I who is a thousand. I am nothing yet I am everything. I am the life, the death and the spirit. I am neither a god nor the devil. But all revolves on me.''

Those words slowly entered Rosh's mind, only after a while was then he started to feel the familiarity towards those words.

Images then crashed his thoughts and memories flowed like a river. Rosh clutched his head and tightened his jaw. Those words, the knowledge that could only be found at the forbidden section of the royal palace's library.

Realizing it, his eyes widened. The hidden truth behind one of this world's secrets. He looked at the being with bawled eyes.

Inside the being's mind, it grinned. Rosh finally remembered.

''You....you're an incstrile?'' Rosh hesitantly asked.

He was caught off guard when he remembered those words that the being said.

Back then, when Rosh decided to work with corrupted officials, he stumbled inside the forbidden area of the royal library. It was a place that only the current king or the rightful heir to the throne is allowed to enter. When he accidentally found himself there, he read more than twenty books in all the shelves.

And there he read one peculiar book that is hid behind the corner of the last shelf.

''You are correct and wrong at the same time. I am known as many things, and one of them is an incstrile. But of course, the informations about incstriles are only slightly accurate unto what's written in the sealed book.''

''Sealed book?''

''It is the book you read about incstriles. That book is sealed by the god of elements, Gilan, to prevent humans from obtaining the sacred knowledge only allowed to be knowned for blue-bloods.''

''It was allowed only for royals? If it was sealed, then how am I able to read the book?''

''My successor, you might not know it, however, you and your brother are also royals at a distant side.''

''What? Us? Royal bloods?''

''Correct, I do not have any clue but I can sense a faint trace of royal blood in your veins. Even your brother will be able to open the sacred book if he was the one who discovered it.''

Rosh sighed in relief. Good thing he was the one who read that sealed book.

''So? What's the use of the contents inside that book anyway?''

''Information about how to manipulate beings like me.''

''Controlling incstriles?''

''That is right. But among all royal bloods, only one succeeded after more than 50 years of training. That is one of the royal ancestors, Prince Curtis Luhevan Ainchleim.''

''Is it really that hard? 50 years is more than half the lifespan of a human.'' Rosh said.

''It was truly unfortunate because he died of natural cause, making all of his hardwork went to waste.''

''Ha, what a pity.'' Rosh said nonchantly.

''I quite expected that reaction from you.''

''So, how does this relate to me?''

''Aren't you curious as to why am I calling you my successor?''

Now that the being said it, Rosh recalled that it always pertained him as 'successor'. His curiousity made him eager to know too. Just what did it mean by 'successor'?


''Hehe. I knew it. Do you want to know? Kukuku, please make a request first, my successor.''

It teased him causing Rosh to show a bitter expression. But eventually sighed.

'This sly incstrile! D@mn it.'

Rosh took a deep breath before clearing his throat. He hesitantly spoke with obvious irritation.

''P-please...tell me.''


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