Chapter 9

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After the long drive I finally made it to New Orleans, I had no idea where Klaus was staying and I didn't feel like calling him so instead I went to a bar named "Rousseau's"

I walked in and there was a pretty blonde bar tender wiping down the glasses at the bar, so I go and sit down in front of her. "Hi, can I get you anything." she asks me politely

"Yes, can I get a glass of bourbon...." I look at her name tag. " Cami? Is it alright if I call you that."

She laughs "Yes please, I hate when people call me Camille." She then hands me my glass of bourbon.

"So what brings you to New Orleans....." she starts. "Ryleigh." I answer her.

"Ryleigh. So what are you in town for."

"I came to surprise an old acquaintance."

"Wow acquaintance huh? Not friend?" She asks

I let out a scoff. "Not at the moment him and his family lost the title of friends a long time ago."

She puts down the glass she was wiping down and sighed. "They don't happen to be the Mikaelsons do they."

I stop mid sip and look at her. "Why do you know them and where they are?" I ask while putting my drink down.

"Yeah I do come with me." I gulp down the rest of my drink and follow her out the bar.

"So are you one of them?" She asks me

"Them who?" I respond


"Oh well kind of."

She looks at me confused "What do you mean?"

"I'm still part human and before you ask, no, I don't know why."

She nods her head as we come up to this big compound. I let out a scoff and roll my eyes.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing it's just the Mikaelsons always seem to show off their wealth."

She lets out a small laugh and shakes her head "Yeah they do."

We hear voices as we walk into the compound.

"But, fair dues, Marcel, I think I'd be a bit testy, too, if my old ex was about to jump into my new ex. I think that would be a bit, uh..." I hear a really hot accent say, but wait Marcel? I though he died in the fire.

"Awkward." Cami says as she walks in.

"I was gonna say wanky, but.." I finally walk in to the room and let out a small gasp when I see Marcel holding up another man by is shirt.

They all turn to look at me and Marcel drops the other man and both of them look at me with wide eyes.

"Marcel?" I whisper with teary eyes, and I run and pull him into a tight embrace.

He groans at the impact and lets at a breathless laugh and he hugs me back even tighter. "Hey Ry." I pull out of the embrace and I hit him a couple times in his chest.

"What the hell I thought you died." I yelled at him after I finished hitting him.

He held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, hey I thought you ran off with the rest of the Mikaelsons."

I roll my eyes at him. "No, they left without me. Speaking of where are they?"

"Well one of them is right here." The unknown man says.

I turn to look at him and tilt my head in confusion. "What?"

He nods his head "Yes you wouldn't recognize me in this body, but it's me darling."

When Worlds Collide | J. Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now