🦸I wanna go home (mha) 🥀

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Aight let's go mothers and fuckers of the jury, I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm making it everyone's problem :).

Ships: none

Trigger warnings: talk of suicide, self harm, and being kicked out of the house.

Kaminaris POV
Tears flow from my eyes as my mother scream from the other end of the room. Talking about wanting to take me out of the hospital, I want this to stop. Please stop. Please...

"I'll go home with you then!" She just looks at me and shakes her head.

"No, you won't." I feel so confused, she was just screaming about wanting to take me out of hospital and now she's saying that I won't be going home with her?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean figure it out, because you can't stay here without my permission, and I don't want you home, so I don't know who's house you're going to but it isn't mine." I feel my blood run cold as more tears fall from my eyes.

This can't be happening.
Can it?
I never thought she would...
Of course we've fought but I never thought that she would... would... kick me out.

Oh god is she kicking me out?

I can't stay here without her permission but I can't go home.

I only have the small amount of things she packed for me and I have no way to contact anyone...









My breathing picks up as my hands start to go numb. I can barely see two feet in front of me through my tears.

"You aren't leaving with me, you'll be leaving in a CPS car. I don't fucking care, you're just not coming home with me." I gasp even more as my nails dig into my palm until the pain is so much I can start to feel my hands again.

"Why can't you respect my choice?" She slams her hands on the table and stands up in front of me.


Before I can respond two ladies walk in, I only recognize one of them as my psychiatrist, the other I've never seen before. My psychiatrist guides me out and back to my room where my nurse meets me. She does a check in on me and we end up going out for a walk around the hospital.

The whole time I can only think one thing...

"She did the one thing I never thought she would do... she left me alone..."

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

It feels like I can barely breathe.

I've never felt so alone...

God I want to die.

A/n so... I was in the hospital for like, 13 days, five in the children's hospital and eight in the actual psyc unit. This is something that actually happened to me. Not everything is there, like me coming out to my mom and her getting even more pissed and saying again how I'm not coming home with her. So yeah. I mean I did end up going home with her but I really just want to run away. I don't feel loved here. I never did but this is so much worse then before. Because at least before I could say I was at least a little bit loved. The only one of my siblings that missed me was my sister and my mother basically kicked me out. So yeah. I had a great time :')

Anyways I'll see y'all later bye~
By: Cas
Date: July 20th 2021
Word count: 596

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