⭐️Evil (sander sides) 🌼

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Ships: Prinxiety, Remus x Janus, Janus x Patton
Virgils POV
I. Can't. Believe. This.

I decided when I was younger to become a villain because that's what everyone wanted from me. I'm that villain now but... I can't fucking be evil. I tried, I really did.

But so far everything has gone to shit, for me at least.

I started small and stole candy from a baby, it was poisoned.

I then kidnapped said baby, he had abusive parents and now lives with me.

I pushed this guy off of a building, that was the fucking push he needed to gain his ability of flight. He's now my sidekick.

"Virgil are you sure you're a bad guy? You're awfully bad at being evil." Roman teases as he puts down super in front of me and the child I took. Logan is his name.

"Well I'm sorry! I'm fucking trying!" I flip through my notes quickly watching Roman sigh and begins eating himself.

"Well you're a better hero then villain." Logan says before digging in himself.

"Ok you know what? I'm planning to take over the bank so." Roman barley stops his laugh as Logan quirks an eyebrow at me.

"What?" He's now full on laughing at me as Logan shakes his head going back to eating.

"You know that bank is suuuuuupper corrupt right? My brothers boyfriend worked there, trust me." He continues to laugh at me as I slam down on the table.

"THAT'S IT! I think it's time to expand our group of villains."

He laughs again.

"Are we really a group of villains if we've never even done anything to hurt anyone? You literally saved Logan and I!" He laughs again, getting a small chuckle from Logan.

"Here here here, I actually know a few people that might actually be able to help us." Roman gets up to make some phone calls as Logan looks at me, a smirk on his tiny fucking face.

Fuck you too.

Roman comes back with a smile on his face. "Ok so they agreed but said only if Janus's boyfriend could come."

"Wait isn't your brother dating him?" He laughs again, sitting back at his spot at the table.

"Well yeah, and Janus is also dating Patton." I sigh before throwing my plans somewhere behind me. Roman laughs again while Logan is chuckling.

"What?" I look behind me to see that it landed in the fucking recycling.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?" I throw my chair back and leave back to my office. Though it doesn't do much since it's a very open concept so I can still see the smug bastards.

Roman stands up before rapping his arms around my neck as I sit down.

"Come on now darling~ I'm sure you'll find something evil to do." He leaves small kisses up my neck as he speaks.

"And when you do, everyone will regret ever calling you a hero~" he kisses up to my cheek before pressing a longer one to my lips. I smile as I pull him into my lap as Logan gags.

"Shut up you brat and eat your vegetables!" I yell back and he groans before continuing his meal. Roman laughs as he wraps his legs around my waist as my arms wrap around his. He smile and puts his head on my shoulder.

"My brother is already a pretty successful villain so joining with him is gonna make sure everyone knows that you're evil." Roman goes back to kissing my neck as I sigh. Remus is hard to work with but it'll be better to make it clear what my motives are to the public to be seen working with such a high ranking villain.

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