Chapter 13

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Waking up the next morning was so much worse than it usually was. Granted, most of the time I wasn't waking up to blinding sunlight, but nevertheless. I stumbled out of bed and ran to the bathroom, trying but failing to keep the contents of last night's dinner inside of my body. After a few minutes, I sank back against the floor and put my hair up, trying to compose myself.

Why the fuck was I hungover?

I'd felt like this enough to know that I was in fact hungover, but I couldn't remember anything from last night. I figured that was courtesy of the alcohol I had probably consumed, but I usually at least vaguely remembered what I'd done the night before.

I sighed, pressing my hand to my forehead and making my way back into the bedroom. I could already tell that the morning had passed, meaning I hadn't woken up and Lisa had gone to the school without me. Frowning slightly, I moved forward to grab my phone, only to see a piece of paper laid over top of it.

You're going to be too hungover for school. Drink water and eat something. I don't care what it is, even if it's a single cracker, just eat something.

I took the note off my phone, frowning. I started to think that she should have at least let me decide whether or not I was up for going to school, until I felt my stomach churning again and my head started to ring. When I went to flip the note over, I realize there was a phone number written on my hand and I tried to remember what I had done last night.

I faintly remembered talking to Taemin, and then I felt the weight of my new ID in my back pocket. As I was trying to force a glass of water down my throat, I recalled spending the afternoon with him and showing up at the door of a frat house.

But everything else after that was blurry.

What happened last night?

I asked myself that question for what felt like hours. I couldn't go back to sleep, no surprise there, and I felt too shitty to do anything productive, not that there was anything productive for me to do in Lisa's apartment anyway. I continued trying to remember anything from after the moment I stepped foot in the frat house, but I couldn't. By the time it was time for Lisa to return home, I'd decided that I would have to ask her how I got home last night and what happened after I did so.

But before she returned, the door bell rang and I couldn't decide what to do. Was I supposed to answer it? Let whoever was outside stand there and think Lisa was ignoring them?

I sighed, standing up from the kitchen stool and trying to make myself look like I wasn't suffering from one of the worst hangovers I'd ever had. I lifted myself up on my toes slightly and peered through the peephole to see a woman in a black blazer, a dark blue dress, and black stilettos.

Lisa's sister.

Ark was standing next to her, and I took it upon myself to assume that Lisa was supposed to watch over her this weekend. I thought that Ashley would have known that Lisa didn't get home until after two-thirty, but glancing at the clock, I realized it was passed that time and Lisa was running late.

I wouldn't have answered the door because I knew Lisa wasn't particularly happy to be flaunting me around to the people she was associated with, but Ashley had already met me. I reluctantly opened the door, and Ark's face immediately lit up at the sight of me. She jumped into my arms, nearly tackling me to the ground because I was definitely not physically stable enough at the moment to be holding up her weight.

"Jen! You're here!"

I smiled tightly, setting her down and peaking out of the corner of my eye to see Ashley's skeptical glance. "Yep, Aunt Lisa told you I would be, didn't she?"

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