Chapter 5

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Kana woke up to an empty bed. Orga's scent still lingered, and his side of the bed was still slightly warm. She knew he had to leave before the adults woke up and found them in the bed together, though that didn't stop the disappointment on her end. Getting out of the bed and putting on her jacket Orga had left folded at the end of the mattress for her, she left and headed towards her room. Grabbing what's she needed, she then headed towards the shower. 

It was cold in the hallways. Kana hated the cold, she hated having to wear more clothes to keep warm. Though if she had to choose the worst part about winter it would definitely be training in the cold. While it was nice not having to worry about a heat stroke when was hot outside, when your trying to catch your breath and it's 10 degrees outside that cold air hitting your throat is not fun. 

She walked past one of the workout rooms to find Mika inside doing pull-ups. She had always looked up to Mika for a number of things. Though the same could be said for any of her friends. All of her boys had different personalities and talents making all fun to learn from. The memories of them all getting drunk and into trouble at the nearby bars, staying up late playing cards and hiding from the adults when they got too loud, all of them were amazing. 

Kana reached the shower and turned on the water the hottest setting. She undressed and looked at herself in the mirror. Most of the swelling was gone from her face, though a light bruise still lingered on her cheek. Her eyes continued down to her neck, collar bone, chest, and that was it. The mirror had cut off the rest of her view. She went back to looking at her neck and collar bone. That was probably her favorite part about herself. Constantly having men at the bar and the commander tell her that those were probably the most feminine parts about herself made her start liking them more. While Kana enjoyed the way she "dressed", when she went out and saw other women and girls in jewelry and nice makeup and revealing clothes it made her jealous. She wanted to be able to embrace her feminine said at least once, but women were looked down upon at CGS. If she became more feminine Kana thought that would make people see her as weak or as an easy target. In the battlefield especially. She had already been taken advantage of once and made to feel like she was at fault for it just because she was a girl.

"Fuck that." She wasn't gonna let it happen again, nor would Orga. 

She hopping into the steaming shower and washed her hair. The hot water was extremely soothing on her bruised skin. Her mind began to wander about the night before.

"Aye Y/n you ready?" Eugene called to her, as he headed out the door.

"Hm? Uh, yea." I got and headed to where the other guys were waiting by a doorframe waiting for Biscuit to come through.

"What was with that face you were just making," Mikazuki asked looking down at his gun.

 "It was nothing. I was getting worked up over something."

He looked up at me and gave me a stern look. "Just don't let it mess your job up."

 "Trust me Mikazuki nothing could distract me from this." 'I'm way too excited to get payback.'

(Mini time skip to when the adult are waking up)

"Time you finally woke up!" Orga sarcastically said while walking into the room. 

All the adults were tied up with zip ties so tightly around their thumbs it could have cut off circulation. They looked up in confusion at everyone. I felt the eagerness rush through me, making me try to surpress the urge to bounce on the balls of my feet. I remembered how shakey my hands were while tieing everyone up. Shino had commented that I had looked nervous, but heck no. 

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