Chapter 2

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'God this is so boring' I thought as Maruba ran his mouth to the client. 'He is so full of it. Also why is Kudelia just staring at me? Is there something on my face?  Subconsciously wiping my face to rid of any dirty or food I look down me and the boys solider stances against the wall. I made eye contact with Eugene who was motioning his eyes towards Kudelia and raised his eyebrows. I scrunched up my nose at him and turned away. 'Ew dude I don't wanna think about that.' Though of course when you don't wanna think of something you do.

"It's nice to meet you all! I'm Kudelia Aina Bernstein." She said facing the soldiers in front of her and pulling me out of my thoughts. 'Oh thank god.' I breathed a sight of relief.

Orga and Eugene respond in greeting while Biscuit, Mikazuki, and I kept quiet. 'At least I smiled back though.' She made eye contact with me again before walking over.

"Hey there! I'm Kudelia, what's your name?" she said holding her hand out as if waiting for me to shake it. Thoughts began to swarm my mind as I am inwardly panicked. 'Am I allowed to? The adults might not want me to touch her.'

"I'm Kana Ikari of the Third Core Group," I announced as I straightened my back. I could feel my hands begin to shake and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. 'Can we please stop staring at me? It not that big of a deal'

"So you are a girl! Oh wow! I thought only guys worked here, how did you get a job here?" Her eyes made me feel like they were digging around my brain. I strained myself from stepping back from her and her beaming questions. A cough interrupted her from asking anything else. Kudelia turned to find her assistant signaling to not be a bother to me anymore. 'Amen'

"-Well let me have one of the boys show you around Ms. Kudelia" Maruba announced. "Mikazuki if you don't mind." Simply nodding his head he walked out, Kudelia following behind excitedly. Do I understand why she is so excited to be in this dump? No but hell, give the girl the benefit of the doubt. While she is rich doesn't mean she grew up the best, living in a slump is gonna be new for her.

I looked up to Orga, trying to see how he was feeling about everything. He slowly leaned down and whispered in my ear "Gonna have to keep Eugene away from her." I suppressed a small giggle, knowing that Kudelia was gonna be Eugenes main topic during dinner. while Maruba finished up yapping I allowed my mind to wander. That little whisper in my ear from Orga sent a chill down my spine and that bastard knew it too.

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