Chapter 3

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The vibrations from the ground course through my body. Looking up towards the once clear sky that was being sucked up by blood, a small black figure caught my eye as it began to enlarge the closer it came. It began to take shape of a very familiar Gundam frame. The ground shook even more violently making me look away. A mobile suit was only a few feet away from where a man lay on the ground. His figure looks oddly familiar. I tried to rack my brain for an answer. 

The man weakly propped himself on his elbows and look towards me. Shock froze my body, while the fear from my surroundings begged me to run. 'His face... god why does he look so familiar.' I pulled my hair in frustration. The hot air from the mobile suit grew as it closed in. 'Wait... why is this so familiar?' As the mobile suit hit the ground right behind the man, I squeezed my eyes shut from the flying dust and debris.

Awakening to the sound of utter chaos around her, Kana jerked up from where she had fallen asleep on her mobile worker. Rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes she got up to see everyone either getting in their mobile workers or getting them prepared. A siren was going off in the distance. She ran to find Orga or some of the other guys, only to find Pops and Yamagi working on Barbatose.

"Pops, what is happening?!" Kana said trying to subdue her panic and confusion. Not that she was scared, but when you wake up to this, it's kind of hard not to be freaked out.

"Kana? Where have you been? Get your shit together, you need to be out there." Pops snapped. She was taken aback by his sharpness. Pops had never snapped at her before. Catching the hesitation in her movements he apologized "I'm sorry Kana. It's just this stupid mobile suit isn't cooperating and we're running out of time."

Shaking her head she bent down to look at the issue that was giving him a hard time. "It's alright. Do you want me to help take a look at it?" She enjoyed working on the mobile workers, but she enjoyed fighting more and Pop's knew that. Though at this point it doesn't matter what she liked more, just as long as the job got done.

"We both know you would rather be out there fighting Kana. Now get out there, Mika's group has already left." He said as he turned away, back towards Yamagi.

"Shit- uh, thanks Pops." All of the chaos had moved to the battlefield making the shop quiet. Too quite. Quickly running back towards her mobile worker, she noticed Eugene getting in his mobile worker. 

Orga normally worked with Eugene during a battle, but where was he this time? Kana tried to ignore the thought. Knowing that if she didn't then she would be distracted. Taking off her shirt, she exposed a fitted black sports bra. Climbing into the mobile suit, she was about to attach the bound of wires to her back when she heard Orga's voice.

"Eugene what's happening?" he yelled as he made his way to his partner.

She dropped the wires and stood on the mobile worker's seat to see the boys. Eugene had stood up in his mobile worker also, facing Orga.

"Dude we need to go, Shino and Mikazuki's group is already out there!" Eugene shouted at Orga. Anger and agitation covered his face.

"Eugene who are we fighting!" Only God knew what it was like when she lost her patience, but somebody else was going to know if someone didn't answer her.

The two guys looked at her in shock. Neither of them had noticed her there."I thi-"

"What are you rats doing?!" a commander called out, interrupting Eugene.

We all turned to face the commander, Todo behind him with that same smug look as ever. Just their presents pissed Kana off, but she had to keep her cool for battle. 

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