Chapter 30: Coming To Terms

Start from the beginning

"With benefits." She added on quickly.



"Oh my god. Alright nerd. I got to take a shower and go to bed. Leave me alone." I joked.

"Alright nerd, good night." She answered.

"Night nerd." I answered simply.

I slid my phone into my pocket as I got up out of my chair.

*'My boy.' What does that even mean. We're not dating or anything, hell we have a week left to spend time together before I never see him again.*

The sudden change in thought process made me feel a little empty inside. Suddenly I found myself moving a little sluggish and felt my heart drop.

*A week... before I never see him again.* I thought again.

I collected my nightly pajamas.  Tonight's choices were a pair of red and grey shorts and a blank red t-shirt.  I was getting ready for a shower when Bella came back in the room from her own.

"Hey, what's up?"  She said as she put all her stuff away.

The pit in my stomach echoed through my body, but I managed to throw on a smile, "About to go take a shower myself."  I explained while grabbing my towel.

"Alright, don't bother me when you get back." She gave a wide smile.

"Just for that I'll flick the lights." I smiled back.

"Better not!" She answered as she went to sit down at her desk.

"Yeah, yeah."  I answered opening the door.  "Be back soon." I said as I began to walk down the hall, closing the door behind me.

I looked at my shorts again, they were the same ones I got stuck wearing at the party all those weeks ago.

*God, how long ago was that?  Like three, four weeks?*

I made it down the hall in front of a small enclave.  To the left was a girls bathroom door and in the middle was a single door that said "gender neutral bathroom" this one is a single bathroom.  I like this one more than the community ones.  The door knob was turned so a small green label read, "Vacant".  I buzzed in and opened the door as the light turned on.  A small room lit up as I walked in.  I shut the heavy wooden door and turned the deadbolt which would change to "Occupied" on the doorknob on the other side.  A small toilet that set on the left corner of the room, a sink with a big mirror and a stand up shower with a big fabric curtain stood on the right side.  Everything was white and had a almost 'clean' feeling to it.  Even though I was told to never take a shower barefoot here.

I quickly use the restroom and turned on the water.  Immediately I'm met with a warm burst of hot water as the room began to steam up.  I quickly undressed and fiddled with the water, trying to get it to the perfect temperature.  As soon as I decided it was just right I hopped in the shower.  Making sure my shower caddy was in arm's reach of the shower entrance.

I quickly washed my hair with shampoo and added condition.  The lukewarm water falling on my skin reminded me of rain.

*Cracker barrel's parking lot.*

The memory shot through my mind.  I could see Dimitri huddled in a small corner as I tried to calm him down and pull him out of his little shell.  We sat down on the bench and talked about the rain.  I listened to it softly as Dimitri's words rang out through my head.  I could hear the unrhythmic putter of the rain on the concert that the shower was so reminiscent of.  I couldn't help but smile as I remembered pulling Dimitri out in the rain and seeing him scamper to jump back on the balcony. When I finally gave up and went to pull the car around as he decided to join me.

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