Chapter 23: Freedom Is Just Around The Corner

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*'Hold onto them...'* His words rang out through my mind.

It took me by surprise and the only thing I could muster was a smile. *Why? Is this his way of telling me he trusts me?* I watched as he walked back to the kitchen and dug his head into his fridge again. I wrapped the lanyard up and put it in my pocket and found my way to the futon. The TV was already set up across from the seat and along to futon his white blanket laid across the seat.

"Wow you were ready for a movie night, huh?" I asked.

He tried to back out of the fridge but ended up bumping his head at the very edge of the top of it, "Gamó!" He spit out rubbing the back of his head as he closed the door.  "Oh, I don't know.  Just didn't know what this spa night is like."  He smiled still rubbing his head.

"Oh right..." I reached over and grabbed my backpack.  I pulled three tubes of clay masks.  Each had their own labels, one was yellow and had a lemon slice on the front that read "oil absorbing".  Another was a dark cyan color with a picture of seaweed that read "Mediterranean Clay Mask and scrub."  The last one was a burnt orange color with a picture of turmeric powder on the front that read "Turmeric peel off mask."  I put all of them on the futon making sure not to put them over his blanket and let him look at them.  He picked up the cyan one and looked at the bottle.  "That one is a good one for when I need to like deep clean my face."  I explained.  He eyed the bottle with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh..." He put it back down and picked up the yellow bottle.

"That one is one of my favorite, it just absorbs excess oil in your skin."  I told him as he set it back down.

I pointed to the last one as he stood up, "You always gotta have a peel off mask.  Those are the most fun."  I giggled.

He laughed in return as he turned to the TV.  "What do you want to watch?" He asked as he turned it on.

"I picked last time, you should pick this time."  I returned.

"Like I said, I don't watch a lot of TV.  So I don't really know what was good.  I did like the show last time, it was... cute."  He hesitated to say it.

"It was 'cute'?" I questioned him. I couldn't help but an innocent smile run across my face.

"Well..." He looked away, I could see the tingle of red in his cheeks, "...yeah. It was nice." I could see his smile even from behind his head.

"It's my go-to movie."  I stuck my nose in the air.

"Well we can watch it again?"  He asked as he pulled up Netflix.  I watched as he had a lot of Netflix shows still not finished.  'How to Train Your Dragon', 'Pocahontas', 'Rango'.  He was watching all these big films either from Disney or from branch out producers.  *Wait why did he watch these?*

"Well, what are your thoughts on the movie's you have watched.  Seems like you've been busy lately."  I said staring at the screen.

"I was curious.  These all seemed interesting.  But I can't sit for a whole movie, I have to do something."  He explained while also watching the TV.  I couldn't help but look at him, he seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Ever seen Hercules?"  I said.

"Wha-..." He stammered, "Well... no.  But I know it's a Disney rendition on my culture."  He had an awkward smile on his face.

"Well, we can watch it and you can tell me what you think."  I smiled back.  "Give me the thumbs up or thumbs down.  If you don't like it we can write to Disney about it."  I joked.

He raised an eyebrow and turned to me, "Is that all you know about Greek culture is from a Disney movie?"

"Well... no.  I was a weird kid after all.  I had an odd obsession with learning about Mythology.  And Greek and Egyptian mythology was some of my favorite, although I can't recall much."  I looked away trying to remember.

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