Chapter 10 - Infiltration

Start from the beginning

What Erwin was referring to was about what the people in the past called 'races'; a categorization of people based on their shared physical or social features. 'Race' was one of the few concepts that Levi didn't find practical. If the books were referring to other beings outside of the human race, Levi might have found it intruiging. Instead, with this concept, he was with the others who found no need for something so irrelevant. He deemed it impractical to categorize people based on their features. It was futile since everyone in the walls spoke the same language and seemed to be the same race anyway. What good was categorizing people when they were all trapped inside the same walls regardless? He did, however, find it funny  that the past people needed categorize their citizens. Though, he did take it into account since the kids seemed to be outside of their known race and it could perhaps point to their origin; a place where there were others of different races.

"Hmm. I had my suspicions that they may have been speaking gibberish at first," Hange admitted. "I highly doubt that those three kids could communicate with gibberish," Levi stated, this time not even trying to suppress his scoff.

Slightly leaning back to peer at Levi from behind Erwin's back, Hange continued. "Yeah, that's why I said 'I thought.' If you had let me finish you would understand," She huffed, regaining her upright position before speaking again. "That was what I assumed when we first heard the language from outside the Titan Forest. But, when that blonde kid, Naruto I think his name was, appeared and started arguing with uhh... Sasuke, I threw that theory out the window."

The sudden appearance of the unknown children stirred questions in the minds of the leading captains; Hange's especially. Thinking deeper, Hange realized that they had, quite literally, just appeared; starting with Sakura, then Sasuke, then Naruto. It led her to believe that they could have been observing them before making contact. It wouldn't be a baseless theory either. After all, the horses hadn't been silent; especially not with how the hoofs of their horses clicked every time they made contact with the ground, or how each branch they brushed rustled at the contact. They had to, at least, have known of their presence. The question was whether or not... "...they were really observing us," Hange muttered, tone slightly calculated as if analyzing something deeply.

"Hange if you have something to say, speak up. Don't mumble," Erwin lectured, tone light but still firm, while gazing ahead. He needn't have to remind her every time she was in her musings.

"Oh uh, I was just contemplating if they had been watching us beforehand. You know, like deciding whether or not to approach us in the forest."

"What is your reasoning for this?"

"Well," Hange adjusted her goggles, forming her words. "We weren't exactly silent on our expedition. Surely they heard us and watched us from afar. Also, don't forget how Sakura appeared first followed by the boys. If they were unaware of our presence, why were two of them hiding?"

It was a very well analyzed theory, even bringing potential risks to light. For instance, the kids being potential enemies; perhaps even piece in the puzzle of the traitors. Unfortunately, nothing could be denied nor confirmed. It was a possibility that they could simply be children stranded in the forest. After all, it wasn't the first time a living human had been found outside the walls. Though, it was still cause enough to be cautious of them.

"If that's the case, then it should also be considered that they could be with the traitors," Levi added, bringing the thoughts to light. Hange, who was really interested in the kids, did not want to believe it but, as a scout, skepticism and caution came first when dealing with issues that could affect humanity. "I mean, that is certainly a possibility, but I highly doubt it. Unless the traitors are a bunch of foreigners, then I'm pretty sure those kids are harmless."

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