Chapter 4 - Accomplishment

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Hey guys! This chapter is kind of on the longer side, but still kind of short. Majority of you said you preferred shorter chapters, but I didn't want to disappoint those of you who said you wanted longer chapters. Okay hope you enjoy!

[Recap] Now that they were aware of the titan's motive, it was time to search for its weak spot.

              Stepping up this time was Naruto. Others might be good at strategizing, but Naruto was good at quick thinking; which they would need at the moment. Without wasting any more time he called out to his teammates.

"Guys I have a plan," he announced seriously. Sasuke and Sakura took note of his serious attitude and tensed ever so slightly. They could practically feel the authority radiating off of him. Sakura was partially used to what she called 'hokage mode' Naruto, however this was still a new concept to Sasuke who was previously absent for a long period of time. Even though it contradicted what Sasuke recently decided, even he had to admit, Naruto would surely make an amazing Hokage. Not only did he have all the qualities, but he had the most important element; he loved the village.

Quickly regaining their composure, the two other members of team 7 listened attentively to their current dominate teammate. They felt they had to, due to Naruto being intimidating when he was serious. Naruto explained the three part plan to his teammates while they constantly dodged the incoming hand from their large foe. After being told the procedure, with a swift nod from Naruto, they commenced the first phase.

Naruto and Sasuke first jumped a good distance away while Sakura punched the ground with less than a quarter of her total strength. Even without majority of her strength, pieces of the ground dislodged and created a cloud of debris around her; catching the titan's attention. Under the slight cover, Naruto and Sasuke jumped to two branches behind the titan. This action allowed for the searching of the titan's weakness. From previously scanning the frontal view of the titan, they knew that its weakness was not located there, therefore it was most likely located on its posterior.

As the dust cloud slowly cleared, the pink haired kunoichi became visible again with her eyes fixed on the titan with focus and determination. With the titan's view now visibly set on Sakura, it once again, as expected, extended its hand to grab her. However, as it reached out for her, she jumped to a branch slightly out of its reach. 'Phase one – complete,' she thought eagerly before making eye contact with the boys. They nodded to her and so phase two began.

The titan made its way to where Sakura now stood and clawed at the tree, attempting to reach her. On two branches a ways behind it, a duo could be seen; one with the most enchanting blue eyes and another with now red eyes with three black tomoes in it. With Sasuke's now activated sharingan, he scanned for any possible weakness their large foe may have. He scanned hurriedly, as his chakra level was quickly depleting, yet eagerly as he was determined to end this battle. His eyes quickly examined the titan until he spotted it – the weakness. Located in the titan's nape, Sasuke pinpointed a cluster of unstable gas. A large amount was compressed into its nape, creating a slight bulge that wasn't visible unless you genuinely looked for it, while smaller amounts of steam circulated around its body. Sasuke took into account that this 'steam cycle', as he called it, replaced the titan's blood; thus probably explained the regeneration.

Phase two was now complete. After analyzing each factor, Sasuke deactivated his sharingan and Naruto was quickly notified of the new discoveries. It was finally time for the final phase, phase three. With Sasuke's chakra level now almost completely depleted and Sakura's low chakra levels, along with her not being aware of the recent discoveries yet, it was now up to Naruto to fulfill the final action - killing it. It was no secret that he had always had naturally high chakra levels, due to his Uzumaki blood, along with their high stamina and the additional chakra of the kyūbi, but he now had the additional chakra of the other nine bijū. He was fully capable of finishing the job; in fact, he felt that he had to.

Swiftly, Naruto made a hand sign and a clone had appeared by his side. The original Naruto then began to conjure a ball similar to Sasuke's last jutsu, except without the lightning nature. He had recently learned how to create a rasengan [Transl. rasengan: a spinning ball of chakra] without his clone, however he had yet to change the chakra nature without one; thus explains the clone on standby. As the blue, rotating ball in Naruto's hand grew to a medium size, his clone then began to strategically but rapidly move his hands around it. Shortly after, the loud sound of rushing wind was heard around the area while the trees rustled violently. The once bare, rotating ball was now surrounded by a spinning shuriken [Transl. shuriken: hidden hand blade - throwing stars]. Anyone could tell the jutsu was powerful; even the titan it seemed as it turned its attention from Sakura to Naruto.

"RASENSHURIKEN" Naruto cried as he threw the jutsu. Although the titan was now facing the him and Sasuke, it didn't matter as the jutsu embedded itself into its neck and expanded, decapitated its head. Its headless body fell to the ground soon after, accompanied with high levels of steam rising out of it.

With their foe now out of their hair, team 7 jumped down into the clearing and collapsed on their backs. All that was heard was heaving as they stared at the sky, slightly covered by the dense greenery. After catching their breath, the voice of their blonde teammate broke the silence as he called out to his comrades His teammates hummed in acknowledgment and he continued. "I have an idea."

 971 Words

Hey guys! I really enjoyed typing this chapter. Just letting you know, I completely made up the 'steam cycle' for the story (I'm really proud of myself btw). I wanted to create an aspect not in either anime.

Now that the plot is moving, I'm also going to focus more on the dialogue and what's happening with the Aot characters. Let me know if you guys like third person pov better or a specified person's pov. Also don't forget to leave feedback. Until next time!

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