Chapter Twenty-Five ✔️

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(again, this chapter is going to stray from the plot point because i have the power to do so)

Six hours.

Six hours since they were taken to the police station for questioning. The sun was starting to rise already and everyone was exhausted. New men and women were brought in to take over for a new shift while the others were able to go home to rest.

That wasn't the case for Bakugo Katsuki and Ito Macca.

They had been together for a while in this cold room waiting for someone to send them home. They didn't know whether or not they were done with their "questionings" or interigations as they felt like they were. Both of them were tired, but too worried and filled with stress to even think about closing their eyes. Bakugo was sitting right beside Mac. His body pressed against him to where he was basically on his lap. Their hands were laced together tightly. None of them talked.They both enjoyed the silence for now until someone would come for them.

The door opened a few moments after. The guards had come in first, holding the door open for two people who walked in. Both of them was all too familiar to Bakugo, making him roll his eyes and look away from them. Mac on the other hand, had no clue who these people were.

The first was a man who looked to be in his thirties. He wore a black jump-suit like outfit that was a little baggy. Black combat boots adorned his feet, while a grey scarf was wrapped around his neck. He looked a bit homeless to Mac with how greasy his hair looked and unkept stubble on his face. Though, Mac couldn't really say anything, he wasn't in the best in the looks department at the moment either. The second person that stood a little in front if the other man with a grin on his little face. The sight of him made Mac's eyes almost bulge out if his head.

It was a rat.

"Oh my god look at his little shoes."

Wearing clothes.

"hello young Bakugo and friend!"

"He talks oh my god." Bakugo reached up to flick his head for being rude.

"Yes, I am a talking animal. My name is Nezu. The principal at U.A. Me and my colleague, Aizawa, are here to make sure our student is doing well after being rescued. Such a devastating thing to happen. But! He is alive and safe , and that's all that matters!" He placed his hands on his wee hips as his little tail moved around behind him. "But thats not all that we came here for." He nodded towards Aizawa who took over, looking at Mac.

"We were made aware that you were the one to find and rescue him, though in unpleasant means, you still did a good deed. However, with what you explained about your quirk, the government is a little... skeptical about it. They want you to be somewhere that can help you control it, but also to keep you from actually loosing control like what you did."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Well, Ito-" Nezu spoke up

"Mac is fine"

"Right. Well, the government has decided to put you into our care and join U.A-"

"Hold up. They do realize that I'm an adult? I can't just go in there with a bunch of kids, they'd freak out."

"If you'd let me finish?" The mouse man smoothed his shirt out." You will join U.A. as a staff member, or for better terms, a teachers assistant for Mr.Aizawa here. Not only will you assist in normal classroom tasks, you'll learn about controlling your quirk and finishing up your education for a GED."

"I don't live anywhere near U.A. I don't necessarily have funds to ride a bus everyday. And I don't think my bike would last that long."

"Nonsense! U.A. has teacher dorms for almost all of their employees. One has already been made for you, and technically by law you cannot refuse."

"What if i do refuse?"

"If you do" Aizawa spoke up."You'll be sentenced to life in prision. Might even end up in Tartarus. Who knows."

Bakugo squeezed his hand, looking up at him."Just accept it. I don't think I can live without you." says the stubborn one.

"Fine. But I'm not going to like it."

Thus, this starts his journey.

(A/n Bleh i sucked at writing this chapter lmao. I just wanted to get it over with so i can start on the plot i made up.

also drew on a sketxh vook for the first time in a few years due to how depressed I was back then, but i got a sudden inspiration so i was like "fuck it lets see how this goes"

also drew on a sketxh vook for the first time in a few years due to how depressed I was back then, but i got a sudden inspiration so i was like "fuck it lets see how this goes"

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