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''You're not going alone.'' Theodore yelled out, standing stubbornly in the doorway, ''How many times am I supposed to tell you? You're not going alone. That's the end of it.''

Draco's neck snapped, inhaling sharply through his nose, and he did everything possible not to let all of his emotions out on Theodore, ''Who do you think you are? My father? Someone in charge? You couldn't even defend yourself, and now you have that bloody thing on your arm. How am I supposed to explain that to her?'' Draco's hand gestured towards Amelie, still sleeping on his bed.

''How am I supposed to tell her that I was stupid enough to let you come along?'' His exposed chest heaved as he forced himself off the mattress, ''She's been out for a week, Nott. One damn week and we managed—''

''We?'' Theodore frowned, crossing his arms, ''What do you mean we? You mean, you.''

Draco's mouth dropped, holding onto the firm edge of not exploding right there and then, ''Me?'' He shouted, ''How is you not taking out your bloody wand, my fault? The only reason you got that mark was because you couldn't defend—''

''Oh no, it's not we anymore, it's me?'' Theodore took a step forward, glaring evilly at the blond, ''I just don't think it's fair to her that you go out there alone. What if you get killed? You need help.''

Draco's jaws gritted, his bare muscles clenched. He knew that if he even spared Theodore as much as a glance right now — he'd kill him too.

''And not to think about you,'' Theodore pointed towards him, ''Keeping the two of us in the dark about searching for her mother.''

Draco marched up to his closet, violently slamming the doors to it open, and he dragged out a shirt, threading it over his arms and buttoning it in furious silence. Every move was rough.

''Are you not going to say anything else? You're just comparing me getting the mark to you being killed—''

''You need to shut that bloody mouth of yours, right now.'' Draco warned him, still not meeting his eyes, ''You have no clue about what I have done or not, so I suggest for you to stay out of it. I managed almost three months without you putting your nose where it doesn't belong. I think I'm more than fine without your concern, Nott.''

''What about her?'' Theodore strode up to the bed, making Draco's arms flung out in the air by the lack of privacy as Theo noticed, ''No, don't do that. She's my best friend too. I shouldn't have to ask to come in here—''

''No, but it's our room, hers and mine. I certainly don't appreciate you storming in here in the morning to yell at me,'' Draco stated, marching up to the other side of the bed, ''You can't just come and go as you please.''

''Hell I can,'' Theodore's face fell into a grimace, nearly a mantle of hurt, ''I am allowed to see her too, and this isn't even about that—''

''Then why did you make it about that?'' Draco questioned, his tone dangerous, ''I don't have to answer to you. What I do, and who I choose to look for, isn't any of your business.''

Theodore's sight dropped, and his heart ached as he looked down at her, ''She deserved to know. It's always her being kept in the dark Malfoy, how do you think she'll take this? Knowing that you lied to her even before—''

''Don't,'' Draco snapped, raising a threatening hand in the air to hush the brunet down, ''Don't you dare speak for me. You don't know what I told her or what I kept from her.''

''Well, she certainly didn't know about you looking for her mother on your own, she would've told me,'' Theodore fired back, frustrated that he thinks his own best friend would lie to him, ''This isn't fair, I'm looking out for her, but you're only looking out for yourself.''

Cursed | Draco Malfoy, 18+Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora