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"Hermione, you have to do it!" Ron stated to her while he dragged her across the grounds towards the forest. Hermione was cringing with each step she took. She should have known better than to join the truth or dare game Harry, Ron and the rest of her friends were playing. She didn't think that they would actually do something like this, but of course she should have known better. Now she had to be dragged by Harry and Ron to go to the forest where she will have to stay there till for an hour. Worse, she had to go deep into the forest not a few feet into it in order for it to count. 

She had tried to get out of it but her friends began to mock her and tell her off, saying how she wasn't being up to Gryffindor's standards. Part of her knew she didn't have to prove herself to anyone but the other half of her wanted them to regret ever saying she didn't deserve being in Gryffindor. But now that she was staring the forest straight in the eye, she wanted nothing more than to vanish back into her room and go to sleep and pray this was a mere dream. They finally reached the entrance of the forest. 

"Okay, Hermione all you have to do is walk inside and wait for an hour. We will send you a signal to let you know when your hour is up. Simple." Harry told her. Hermione glared at him. 

"Harry there are foul beasts that crave to maim or murder me. How is that simple?" she asked him. Harry's mouth open, probably thinking up something to say when he closed his lips and lightly nudged her to the forest. Hermione took in a deep breath, shook her head and began walking into the forest. She ensure she stayed a slow pace to make sure she didn't wander too far into the woods and made herself lost. She wished she had changed from her school uniform before she went in because it was getting freezing and her thin blouse wasn't really keeping in warmth.  

She crossed her arms over her chest, brushing them to create a bit of heat in them while the wind began to pick up. Hermione gazed upward towards the tree tops, peering at the stars that shined through the branches. Her thoughts were cut short when a loud sound like horses galloping caught her ears. She turned her head in time to see a group of centaurs galloping in her directions. Quickly, Hermione rushed behind a tree where she hid as they rushed right passed her, screaming and hollering in a language she had no clue what they were talking about. Once they were gone, Hermione let out a sigh of relief and began moving again. 

She hadn't been in the forest for ten minutes and already she was running into creatures of the forest. It was only a matter of time before something worse came out and snatch her away. I know, she thought, I can vanish off to somewhere else for a while and be back in an hour. After all, how would they know if she were to vanish or not. They aren't here. Hermione pulled her wand from her pocket, ready to leave when a sound like snapping caught her attention. She shot her head in the direction where the sound had came from and listen to see what it was. Her heart was pounding deep within her chest so loud it rang right into her ears. It was then Hermione decided it was time to leave. She had lifted her wand up in the air at the same moment something slammed itself against her head. 

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