"I'm doing well. That's what Gang Orca says, at least."

Was it just him, or.. Was Todoroki keeping things terse? He wasn't this brief with anyone. Still, Red Riot replied eagerly and sat up, using his hand to give the guy a delicate and playful punch to the shoulder. "Then keep up the great work! You two will be caught up in no time!"

Because of his friendly assault-- which was slightly unpredictable-- Todoroki quickly brushed the male's hand away from him, a look of disgust nearly bending his features. Thanks to him, another silence fell, with both men looking at each other.

Kirishima was both shocked and perplexed, lowering his hand slowly. "Oh.. sorry...?" This revealed something new about him, and that stirred up interest. Todoroki had yet to reply, and just as he was going to say something-- your voice caused them to become startled.

"Eijiro! Look!" You called, quickly approaching with a small plate in your hands. On it, was a french breakfast. "Do you wanna try this? Aoyama made it for me to eat!" You lightened up the atmosphere by your bright and happy smile.

The men couldn't handle your beaming demeanor, but didn't express it. "Oh yeah, sure! But what is it?" He inquired while you passed him the plate. Todoroki thought it was extremely adorable of you when watching you rest your hand on your chin, cheeks puffing upon trying to pronounce the name. "Erm.. C-Cro..quel... Ma.. Ma--"

"Croque Madame!" Butted in the narcissistic, glamorous hero Yuuga Aoyama. Also known as, can't stop twinkling. He touched his forehead in an seemingly alluring manner and then flipped his bangs that expelled flashy sparkles as he'd done so. As always, he loved the center of attention, but not more than himself. "This is my favorite breakfast, made with ham and creamy cheese! It's popular in France, mainly due to the irresistible egg on top of the toasted bread!"

He did a fantastic but over-dramatic twirl at the end of his sentence, even following it up with a pose, but you all decided to ignore it. By then, Kirishima was already munching on the breakfast, gazing at you as he nodded affirmatively.

Swallowing the contents, he beamed up much like how you did. "This tastes amazing!" The first bite was definitely one to savor. That's when he extended his hand towards you, signalling for you to take a bite yourself.

Taken aback only slightly, it was a little embarrassing to eat like a couple in front of people. You were on the verge of doing it too, if not for Todoroki's sudden stand. Eyes leading to him, the aloof male took out his device in order to make a quick note the time and then stuffed both his device and his hand into his pocket. "School's going to start soon. We should go."

He announced, walking away to the corridors. The three of you watched him put on his shoes, and when you and Kirishima exchanged glances you could hear the door close behind his departure. Obviously you two were skeptical of his feelings, but everyone knew how mentally torturous it was to ask.

UA High.
>[10:12 AM]<

"Alright everyone, use this period to work on your project. If you need assistance, please feel free to come to me." Said Ectoplasm, allowing the students of the Hero course to rise to their feet and partner up with their assigned partners.

Kirishima lifted his fist to Bakugou when he walked up to him, attempting to bump fists with him, but the hothead simply ignored it. On the other hand, Sato had gave Yaoyorozu a slice of cake in compensation for being partners with him-- to which she humbly declined.

"It's great to work with you, Midoriya." Spoke Iida, extending his hand toward the Hero Otaku who smiled at his friend shortly before shaking his hand. "You too! I don't think there could be a better match!"

The DEMON within him. [Yandere! Shoto Todoroki X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now