V:1 C:10 Fate vs Will

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(I just notice that Cardin lost to only people who live in cold areas. So I guess the curse is still around?)

Everyone was shocked when I said Pyrrha's name, even though I know why, but I was still a bit confused.

"Sure," Pyrrha said cheerfully "I haven't fought in a while."

Half of me was... happy? The other half of me was readying for something.


Was we were both readying up in the arena, Pyrrha just told me "Good luck," very cheerfully. I just gave her a thumbs up.

"Are both of you ready?" Glynda asked us. I, again, nodded my head. Pyrrha just says "Yes." "BEGIN"

I boosted forwards with both Ignis and Glacies striking both of my longswords into her, but she blocked them with her shield. I then tried kicking her, but again, she blocked them with her shield. I stepped back and then lunged forwards, jumping and kicking downwards to met her shield again. She tried to attack, by attacking me with her sword, but it was met by my tail. We were both equally matched I quickly noted. I decided to use my semblance, making my eyes turned blood red, through my BES's eyes.

I struck without a care in the world, as my whole body became almost numb. I kicked, I swing, I boosted, everything that came into my mind, I did. I threw my weapons, and drawing out my other two weapons, using my tail to pressure her to defend all of my attacks. I think I forgot what I did for a time because I didn't have my weapons in my hands when I remember, I was just using my claws and my tail to fight.

(3rd Person)

As Team RWBY and JNPR saw the fight, they saw a battle between the blessed warrior and a stray dog. A battle between Fate and Will. Truly a battle that will be burned in their minds.

(Barbatos's POV)

I somehow removed her shield, using my tail. I boosted forwards meeting my claws with her sword. I saw her eyes, the green eyes of fate. She probably saw the blood-red eyes of a stray, always moving forwards because it tries to find a place in a civilized world without a place for animals or need. She kicked me and rolled to her shield, I boosted forward getting a hold on the shield. We both ready to strike, me with my tail, and her with her sword.

We were both caught off by surprise, by a bell ringing. So much so that I fell on the arena's floor, after letting go of her shield. We both looked at each other, I turned off my BES, and looked at her, with my semblance off. We both looked very out of it. Pyrrha stand up first, I thought she was going to leave the arena with me still on it, but she did something that confused me even more. She gave me her hand, and well even though I used it, I was confused about why she helped me up.

"You fight pretty well," Pyrrha said in her cheerfully voice. I just looked at her in confusion. "What? Can I not tell you how you fight?" She asked me.

"N-no..." I tried to hide the confusion in my voice.

"Alright students, remember, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!"

"Oh, are you entering the Vytal tournament?" Pyrrha asked me.

I looked at her "With what team?"

"Fair point. Oh, what's with your eyes turning red?"

"It was my semblance"

"OH! What does it do?"

"Makes me not feel pain, and just keeps my body together."

"That sounds pretty powerful," Yang said while bumping into me. "But not as good as mine," She said with a smile.

"H-hey," I heard Jaune.

"Whats up Jaune?" Asked Pyrrha. "Weren't you and Cardin the best of buds?

"Can you help me? With fighting?"

Pyrrha simply pushed him and him, being Jaune, stumbling to the floor.


"Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground." Pyrrha said to Jaune, holding her hand out to her friend.

Well at least I got to fight Pyrrha, so all that's well ends well.

I said that correctly... right?

(Alright I got the Pyrrha vs Barbato's fight that I wanted. If this one seems bad, sorry. Also, I'm going to leak Ironwood's semblance because I want. So Ironwood's semblance is called Mars, which pretty much makes him twice as strong, and twice as durable. The reason why I pick Mars, is because its iron in alchemy. What? You though because of the Roman God of War? Though if you want to believe that, go for it, I'm not your dad. Also we get to my favorite chapter next time, though it will have some parts from Jaunedice Pt.2, just to make it more understandable.)

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