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It was raining, and I was stuck in an alleyway. The rain pouring on me like someone felt sad for me, then I felt that sensation stop, I simply look up with near dead black eyes.

 I saw an old man, with white hair, and some funny glasses, he was caring an umbrellas over my head. He was dressed pretty formally, for what he was going to say out of his mouth.

"I been looking for you Barbatos" he said with a smile, I active my BES, quickly point my tail at him and said to him in a cold dead voice.

"How do you know part of my code name?" he simply laugh quietly

"I know many things Barbatos, but there is one thing that I don't know." I looked at him in confusion.

"Your name." 


"What do you call yourself?" silent rises between us. He broke the silent quickly "Well, you can think of an answer, but how about we go someplace dry?"


When ever I entered his car, I felt... nothing, I been here before. Some creepy old guys who thinks is hot stuff, and is gonna blackmail me for robbing the nearest gas station for food. Those type of story end pretty wrong for the old guy, and who ever is close to him. But creepy old dudes, don't know part of my code name

"So did you find an answer?" He ask when he saw me sit down, I simply looked around, and I saw a lady, I'm guessing his wife.

"I will take that answer as a no." he quickly sighed. "I'm guessing you don't know either of us" I shook my head.

"Well I'm Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon. I'm also guessing you don't know what Beacon is?"

"I've heard of it. It's where kids learn how kill Grimm."

"You are partly right Mr. Barbatos, we do teach kids how to kill Grimm, but we also teach them about the world, and protecting the world. Do you have any idea why I would try to reach out to you?"

"You want me in your school."

"You catch on quick" he notes to everyone.

"Well now I guess I have two answers now." I told him

"And you have two questions to answers with them, now what do you call yourself?" He looked at me, as if he would never hurt me.

"Barbatos Lupus Rex" I respond in a neutral voice.

"And would you like to join my school?" I responded a bit later then I wanted to, but I answer with a simple.


"Alright now, I'm guessing you have a question to the lady next to me?"

"Yeah, is she your-" I said in a neutral voice, but I ended my question quickly.

"No, she is your Combat Teacher, and I have a feeling you will like her class. Well since you are going to join my school-" He hands me a piece of paper "-inside of that is the date, time, and the place that the drop ship will come to pick you up. I'm hopping to meet you at my school. Also here-" he past me another thing, this time it was a-"-Scroll, it has my number if have anymore questions." The car stops. "This is where you be staying" I looked at the hotel, it looked alright, but it wasn't a 5/5 hotel, I won't even matter if it was a dumpster, it would be a complete upgrade from the streets. "Wash up, get some sleep, I had to pull a big favor for this one, so please enjoy it." I tried to enjoy it, but I've been missing out on a "heart" since that one Grimm attack.

(Damn that was something, first time writing a book/fanfic on here, so some criticism would be nice, I will also try to write a new chapter new day or ever other day, cause some times life happens) 

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