V:1 C:4 First Step

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(Alright going do one and only one chapter, as it leaves off really nicely )

I woken up to someone singing, "It's morning". As I enter the bathroom to wash my face, the an orange hair girl was talking to black hair guy who was brushing his teeth, I would guess something, but I was wrong on my last guess. 

"I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm... well, I'm me! But it's just crazy, you know?" said the orange hair girl

I left to find the same pairing at the ballroom. "We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not 'together-together...' Not that I'm not saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?" Weird.

I left to eat, I also found the same pairing, but I was too far away to hear them. All I have to say is that orange hair girl, really loves her pancakes I almost felt bad for them.

I left to the locker room, to get my equipment, and you wouldn't believe who I found, the same pairing. "I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal!" She quickly gasps. "A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?" She says as I walk past. 

The black hair "Nora?" in a calm voice.

"Yes, Ren?" So I found out the pairings name.

"I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

I open my locker which happens to be next to them, which she was quiet for a time.

"That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!" Nora said a bit too loud.

All I heard was Ren laughing quietly and saying "Come on Nora, let's go."

"Not 'together-together...'" Nora said what I think to herself, followed by some giggles, I hope I don't get her. They walked out of the locker room.

Then I heard Ruby's voice to the right of me "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

Followed by Yang's voice "Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting-to-know-you' stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." I look over to see her patting Crescent Rose.

"Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby sighs pretty loudly "You sound like Dad!" she puts her weapon behind her belt "Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting?" Oh someone else likes fighting, I thought she only loved weapons. "And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!" Milk makes you tall? Hmm never knew that.

"But what about when we form teams?" Yang asked a question to Ruby.

"Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something..." She says with nervousness in her voice.

"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team? Oh, hey Barbatos." 

I quickly respond with a simply "Hello."

"Oh Barbatos, do you think I should join Yang's team." Ruby quickly asked me

"Um... I don't know" I answer "I didn't really grow up with you."

I don't know if Ruby didn't get the answer she wanted or something else, cause then she went puppy voice to her sister "My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?"

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