V:1 C:3 Night at Beacon

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(This one is going to be short, so if I posted it on the same day as the past chapter, then thats why)

When ever night fall appeared, I simply put on some boxer and a white shirt, that cover my scars... hopefully. When I was looking for a spot I saw, both Ruby, and her big sister, I quickly walked away.

"Hey Barbatos!" I stopped, took a deep breath, and turned around.

"What's up Ruby?" I said in a neutral tone.

"I wanted you to meet my sister. Yang this is Barabatos, Barabatos this is Yang."

"Howdy" Yang said as she offer a handshake.

"...Hello..." I said as I accept her handshake.

"Are you a little... shy?"

"No I just keep to myself."

"Thats respectable. OH! Is it true that you one hand a two handed blade?"

"Oh, yeah."

"You must be really strong, you wanna to arm wrestle?!"

"Uh... sure"

We started wrestling. It was draw, we both got tried from it.

"That was something, you wanna go again some other time?"

"Uh... oh, yeah sure" I said with some confusion. "I'm going to head of out"

"Alright, cya man."

I lay in my sleeping bag, trying to go to sleep. The Ruby and Yang talked  to that black hair girl, and I "learn" her name was Blake. Then that white haired girl, started to yell really loud, after that I just covered my ears with shirt, and it almost worked.

"I still can't believe why, I came here. I'm only here for the free food." I said to my self quietly.

(Told you guys it would be quick, and again criticism is welcomed)

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