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(Here is one of the 'filter' chapters, so if this one takes more than a day, it may be the reason. Again I'm going to explore Barbatos and everyone around him.)

"HOW ARE YOU FAILING ONE OF YOUR CLASSES!?" Is the first thing I hear after I woke up. I woke up and I move to team RWBY's dorm. Seeing Weiss yelling at Yang.

"Hey, I'm barely failing," Yang said with an almost smile.

"YES, WITH A 69!" Weiss yells again, "BUT, IT'S IN HISTORY, THE MOST EASLY CLASS."

"I mean..." Yang tried looking for words. "...I got nothing."

Weiss first looked disappointed and then say "We will help you since I don't like the grade I have."

I quickly check up on my grades, and I see I'm also failing in History. Half of me didn't want to work with them due to... her, but the other half of me didn't want to be view as lucky. I knocked on their door, to be met by Ruby.

"Oh hey Barbatos." She said cheerfully.

"Hi... can I study with you guys?"

"In what?"


"HOW!?" I heard Weiss in the background, giving Ruby a small laugh.

"Yeah sure, Yang is also failing History. Come on in."

I walk into the team's dorm, seeing one bed hanging from the ceiling, and the other being held up by books on each of its legs. "What?" was the only word I said out of my mouth.

"Their idea, not mine," Weiss told me.

"...Oh" I simply said.

"Come on." I got pulled by Weiss and put right by Yang, and we started studying.


After some hours, Weiss told me something that I wasn't expecting.

"How do you understand all of the battle tactics, but not understand the war's purpose?"

That caught me flat-footed. I mean yeah, I was trained to be a weapon, so my only purpose was fighting, and that's really it. "Uh... I don't know," I simply said to her.

"Well, answer me this, would you rather be forced into a war you have no idea why you are fighting for," Weiss said "Or a war you do have an idea on?"

I was thinking really hard, about giving her an answer. What did I want? War is still a war, but its purpose is something else. ". . . The second one."

"So then remember the purpose of each of the wars now."

I was still confused on purpose. After that study group, I looked up the word 'purpose'. The Scroll simply said, "To have as one's intention or objective." But doesn't my purpose of fighting strong?

Is it?

(Alright the first 'filter' chapter done, though super short, I just wanted to point out something that Barbatos has, and hopefully point it out even more. Also, I'm going to change Ironwood's semblance, because f*cking reason.)

Yellow HopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora