He drifted off, too caught up in the memory of that day before finding his voice again, Jungkook quiet and the slow circles he drew on his back giving him the strength to continue.

"He knew I was in love with Seong-Min too. He was the only one in my family who knew I liked boys and he made it sound like it was no big deal and that if I ever had the courage to come out to our parents, he would be by my side, helping them understand. Of course I never told Seong-Min about how I felt but he would often drive me to dance classes, tell me I was amazing and that he'd never seen anyone more beautiful than me. I was so happy- so stupidly happy to hear that even as I never made myself hope for more. It always killed me to see him with his new girlfriends and they often came over with him, so I never expected anything to happen between us."

"But something did?" came Jungkook's soft question after Jimin had been quiet for too long, not sure how to go on.

He nodded, swallowing the lump of emotions in his throat. 
"I just turned seventeen when he confessed he liked me. That he'd seen me as a little brother for a long time but that that had changed. That he now felt the same as I did. I was surprised of course, but also beyond happy and excited. It was like everything I ever wanted came true. I had Seong-Min, my brother had started studying law and I was going to do the same thing when I graduated." 

"You weren't going to study dance?"

A small snort left him. 
"No. My parents would have never allowed that. And while I loved dancing even then and my teachers kept saying I should go for it, I wanted to be like my brother. And seeing my parents reaction to both their sons wanting to become lawyers had made me so happy. Both of them always held high regards for the opinions of others and at every social event they would brag about their two sons, both destined to have a great futures, perfect wives and promising careers."

Pain shot through him remembering how perfect it would have been. How happy and oblivious he had been, smiling and laughing and lying in Seong-Min's arms as he told him so. Told him everything in his heart.

"It was a day before my eighteenth birthday. I went to visit my brother at his faculty apartment, planning to surprise him because I'd just gotten the news that I'd been admitted to the same University as him. It was late, but I was so excited to tell him, I just couldn't wait. 
There was a small house-party going on. Seong-Min was there as well. He and my brother were always together except when Seong-Min was with me. Which wasn't that often because he was busy with University as well- at least that's what he told me. I barely saw him more than once or twice a week, but when I did, I could barely stop my heart from bursting. I was so damn happy.
So I was more than a little shocked to walk into that room of drunk college students to see my boyfriend making out with some sophomore girl in the corner."

Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath, the hand on his back stilled as he rung for control over his own emotions. 
Jimin continued, even as the first tears started, unstoppable at remembering the pain and horror of seeing that blond plastered all over the person who had made him the happiest, told him he was beautiful and that the loved him. The person he'd  imagined his future with. 

"I was mad, but I was hurt even more, so I walked up to him, already crying and confronted him. He didn't even let go of the girl, keeping an arm around her as if it didn't matter that it was killing me- that it was breaking my heart. And then he told me... He laughed at me for being jealous and stupid. That someone like him would never actually fall for someone like me and I had been naïve and pathetic, and such a fool to believe it. That it had been fun, but that I wasn't even that beautiful. And then he told me the worst of all. That it had been my brother who asked him to do it. To sleep with me and pretend he loved me."

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن