Chapter 24 - Mysteries Unraveled

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I got a few questions about the character's age in the previous chapters, so I'll make the timeline, age and birthdays of the characters clear. Please note that these are made up things and nothing is official here.

Keeping in mind that the original beyblade series was released in 2001, this takes place in 2002. I've always imagined that it is the World Championships took place during the summer holidays so that most of the competitors,  who are mostly students, can devote their full attention to it. In Japan and many other countries, the summer holidays are in July and August. So, let's assume that the preliminary rounds were held all over the world in the month of July. The. World Championship Tournament started on the first of August and ended on 15th. Hence, the talk show occurred on 20th Aug. For simplicity's sake, let today (I mean, the day that attacker is killed, the day Kai calls Agent Grace) be 5th of September, more or less a fortnight from the attack.

Ray was born on 13 March 1986, making him 16 years and six months old.
Kai was born on 23 October 1986, making him 15 years and ten months old.
Kenny was born on 25 March 1988, making him 14 years and five months old.
Tyson was born on 15 June, 1988, making him 14 years and one month old.
Hilary was born on 24 October 1988, making her 13 years and ten months old.
Max was born on 6 May 1989, making him 13 years and four months old

I'll add the birthdays and ages of other characters and other important days as and when they are required in the story.


We didn't have to wait for long the second time. Within the next few seconds, the Agent was on the line. Unlike Agent Grace, he didn't on his video, and spoke in Russian from the very beginning.

"Hello Mr Hiwatari. What can I do for you today?"

"Could you switch to English."

"Of course. Am I to assume that we have company?"

"Yes. I want you to trace the location of all the primary members and the secondary members of this case."

"Of course." there were click and clank sounds asthough  the other person was working on a computer.

"Secondary members: Mr Granger senior, Hiroshima west side, nearest location: Insa-yama Park. Mr Granger, Hiroshima west side, nearest location: Insa-yama Park.

Ms Mariah Wong, Shanghai Port. Mr Lee Wong, Hami, Eastern China along with the other members of White Tiger team. Master Tao, Hami, Eastern China.

Mrs Judy Tate, All-rounder Beyblade shop, Southern Tokyo. Mr Taro Tate, All-rounder Beyblade shop, Southern Tokyo. Ms Mariam Khan, Hitachi Railway Station.

Tala Ivanov, Kabul, nearest location : Gardens of Babur, Afghanistan. Bryan Kuznetsov, Kabul, nearest location: Gardens of Babur, Afghanistan.

Mr Saien Senior, All-Fresh Grocery Store, South Tokyo. Mrs Saien, All-Fresh Grocery Store, South Tokyo.

Mrs Tachibana, All-Fresh Grocery Store, South Tokyo. Mr Tachibana,... Southern Nara.

Primary members: Mr Tate, St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo. Mr Hiwatari, St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo. Mr Kon, St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo.
Mr Granger, St Luke's Main road, nearest location: St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo. Ms Tachibana, St Luke's Main road, nearest location: St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo.

No unusual activity suspected in any of their vicinity in the last twelve hours."

"So... He's all right?" I asked, my face betraying both relief and anger. Relief that he was alright and anger that he didn't think it was important to inform them if he was coming late.

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