27: Halloween party

Start from the beginning

Y/n: thank you jay!

Jungkook: just giving him some tips on being a gentlement..

Y/n: he's 2..

Jungkook: better start now and don't regret it later.. Lets go... Dont want jackson and Bae blowig up our phones.

At the party


She hugged me..

She pulled away..

Bae: You are KILLING pregnancy!!!!

Jungkook: I dont accept her wearing that in public but shes gorgeous..

I rolled my eyes at jungkook.

Bae: Evening Mr. Cold.

Jungkook: Hey bae.

Bae: hey jay!! How are you?!

Jay: auntie Baeee!!

Bae: God he's too adorable.

Y/n: I'll take him to the kids party..

I did so and sat him down.

Y/n: Mommy's going to come back for you when its time to leave ok?

Jay: Ok mommy!

I left... I honestly dont trust jay in there by himself with the older kids but he could make some new friends..

I couldn't find jungkook... But I did run into Zoen..

Zoen: Hello Ms. Y/n.. I'm actually happy I ran into you. You see.... I have a mouse living off my tech and stealing my money.. I need a exterminator to handle this problem.. Hm?

Y/n: Well... Doesn't sound like my type of job but I request jungkook.

Jungkook: Request me for what?

He wrapped his arms around me from behind..

Jungkook: Hey Zoen...

Zoen: Mr. jungkook! We were just talking about you!

Jungkook: just jungkook.. And why???

Zoen: I have a mouse living off me and I was juat asking y/n if she could get rid of it for me but she said you were one to deal to rats and mouses?

Jungkook: Sounds like fun.

Zoen: Thank you...jungkook.

Jungkook: tomorrow a good time to get rid of it? I'm free all day..

Zoen: Its a perfect time honestly.

A scream was heard followed by a cry. Everyone rushed to the kids party.

A little boy was bleeding on the floor bleeding. Some bitch was gripping my son!!!

I took him from her.

Y/n: dont you lay a damn finger on my son!!

She was blonde and a little older than me.

?: well that brat hit my son with a car!

Jay whined...

Y/n: jay?

Jay: he was mean to me...

?: My would never! That little bastard is lying! You should raise your child correctly!

Y/n: Who are you to call my son a liar! And tell me how to parent!

I put jay down.. I'm going to kill this bitch.

Before I could get the chance to lay a finger on her jungkook stopped me.

Jungkook:  Hey baby... Lets not start anymore trouble.. Lets go..

He picked jay up..

?: Is he going to put a leash on his dog too?

A⃝   u⃝   t⃝   h⃝   o⃝   r⃝  

Y/n: Know what...

She slid her heels off and punched her. The lady pulled on her hair. Y/n bent her fingers back and kicked her down. She got on her and was fucking her up.

Jungkook just watched.. The husband came.

?: What the hell?! Your not going to get your wife?!

Jungkook: Nah I'ma let her beat your wifes ass and you lay a finger on whats mine I'ma shoot you in the head.

Y/n got up off the lady... She put her heels back on... She picked jay up.

Y/n: Jungkook?

Jungkook: right behind you baby girl..

Scary as people

Next morning


Y/n: Alot... Can you pass me those chips?

He tossed the chips across the table to her.

Y/n: Thanks yoongi!

She went back up the stairs.

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